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红河州泸西县向阳乡有一个彝汉民族聚居的木榻村。村北1公里外的旱地旁,生长着一株当地群众称之为“红果树”的神树。相传一对青年男女相爱后,来到这株红果树旁搭棚居住,以后逐渐发展成为现在的村寨。后人为缅怀祖辈,将古老的红果树视为“神树”,予以保护。几经沧桑,已有600多个春秋。经调查鉴定,该树为牛筋条,又称白牛筋或牛筋木,为蔷薇科牛筋条属植物。牛筋条在云南的生长多呈高1至3米的灌木,长成粗壮乔木实属罕见。该树现枝繁叶茂,高8米,胸围3.2米,树冠向北偏斜,其冠幅南北有15 Honghe Prefecture Luxi Xiangyang Township has a Yi ethnic minority living together couch village. Next to the dry land one kilometer north of the village, there is a tree of God called “red fruit tree” by the local people. According to legend, after a pair of young men and women love each other, came to this red fruit trees scaffolding living, and later gradually developed into the present village. Descendants of the memory of their ancestors, the ancient red fruit tree as a "tree of God, to be protected. After many vicissitudes, there are more than 600 spring and autumn. After investigation and identification, the tree is beef tendon, also known as white tendon or tendon wood, for the Rosaceae tendon genus plant. The tendons in Yunnan grow mostly 1 to 3 meters high shrubs, grow into thick arboreous is very rare. The tree is flourishing, 8 meters high, bust 3.2 meters, the crown is skewed northward, with a crown width of 15
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