Extraction of Geometric Features of Wear Particles in Color Ferr ograph Images Based on RGB Color Sp

来源 :International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hiwola
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This paper analyzes the potential color f ormats of ferrograph images, and presents the algorithms of converting the forma ts to RGB(Red, Green, Blue) color space. Through statistical analysis of wear pa rticles′ geometric features of color ferrograph images in the RGB color space, we give the differences of ferrograph wear particles′ geometric features among RGB color spaces and gray scale space, and calculate their respective distributi ons. This paper analyzes the potential color f ormats of ferrograph images, and presents the algorithms of converting the formations to RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color space. color space, we give the differences of ferrograph wear particles’ geometric features among RGB color spaces and gray scale spaces, and calculate their respective distributi ons.
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