迷津欲有问 此木岂无阴——浅溯中国文化保护源流

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随着十七届六中全会的召开,中国传统文化复兴迫在眉睫。在“文化强国”的口号下,我们必须要明确未来的前进方向,而要明白未来前进的方向,就需要溯本求源,真正明白中国自身文化之内涵。本文就中国传统的三个方面——道统、政统、学统进行了逐一梳理,就法治、德治、民主、经济等方面进行浅析,希望能为中国文化保护提供一些理论依据。 With the convening of the 6th Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee, it is imperative to revitalize the traditional Chinese culture. Under the slogan of “cultural power”, we must clearly define the direction for our future progress. To understand the future direction of our country, we must trace its source and truly understand the meaning of China’s own culture. This article analyzes the three aspects of Chinese tradition, Taoism, politics and learning system, and analyzes the rule of law, rule of virtue, democracy and economy in the hope of providing some theoretical basis for the protection of Chinese culture.
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