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个人电脑以惊人的速度增长,固然是由于科学技术的发展,但与数以万计的售后服务和技术支持人员的贡献是分不开的。据统计,电脑技术支持是美国电脑产业中极为重要的一环,每年平均要回答2亿次顾客的询问电话。仅电脑软件公司一年就要花690亿美元在售后服务方面,预计到公元2000年将增长为1000亿美元。这个趋势当然主要是因为个人电脑的普及,其次是由于许多使用者并不了解电脑,甚至是“电脑盲”,面对电脑却无从着手,只好求助于电脑公司的技术支持人员。而这些用户提出的问题更是千奇百怪,例如:有顾客抱怨无法操作“脚踏板”:原来他以为“鼠标器”应放在地上用脚来操作;又如:服务人员要顾客先“把Windows关掉”,顾客迟疑了一下后询问,窗帘也要关吗? 这些听起来象笑话一样的发问,却是技术支持人员经常要面对的问题。因此除了专业知识外,他们还必须有高度的耐心、沟通的技巧及为顾客服务的精神。另外,电脑售后服务也是每个电脑厂商不可忽视的领域,否则会削弱自己的竞争力。美国Microsoft公司在全美有2000名技术支持人员,每天要接2000个求助电话,美国Acer公司聘用了650名人员,解决客户各种疑难问题。当然,面对焦虑的客户,技术支持人员也必须承受很大的压力,因此,他们的“流动率”也相当高,但无论如何,称他们是个人电脑业的无名英雄是很贴切的。 The rapid growth of personal computers, of course, is due to the development of science and technology, but with tens of thousands of after-sales service and technical support staff contributions are inseparable. According to statistics, computer technical support is an extremely important part of the computer industry in the United States, answering an average of 200 million customer calls a year on average. Only computer software companies spend $ 69 billion a year in after-sales services, is expected to grow to 100 billion U.S. dollars in 2000. Of course, this trend is mainly due to the popularity of personal computers. Secondly, many users do not know computers or even “blind computers.” However, they have no alternative but to turn to computer technical support personnel. For example, some customers complain about inability to operate the “pedals”: originally, he thought “mouse” should be put on the ground with his feet to operate; another example: the service staff to customers first, “the Windows off Off ”, the customer hesitated after asking, the curtains also turn off? These sounds like jokes like questions, but it is often the problem of technical support staff to face. Therefore, in addition to professional knowledge, they must also have a high degree of patience, communication skills and customer service. In addition, the computer service is also an area that every computer manufacturer can not ignore, otherwise it will weaken their competitiveness. Microsoft in the United States has 2,000 technical support personnel in the United States, receiving 2000 help calls every day. The United States employs 650 personnel to solve various difficult problems of customers. Of course, technical support staffs also have to put a lot of pressure on anxious customers, so their “turnover rate” is also quite high. However, it is appropriate to call them unsung heroes in the PC industry.
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