应用DLTS方法分别对于在氩气、氮气和氢气气氛下生长的 n型 VPE-GaAs材料中形成的深缺陷能级做了研究并进行了比较.由比较结果说明,氩气氛下生长的VPE-GaAs材料,较之其它条件相同但在氮气和氢气气氛下生长的n型VPE-GaAs材料,具有较低浓度的深能级.并且预计AsCl_3-Ga-Ar系统在制做GaAs器件方面具有优越性.
The DLTS method was used to study and compare the deep defect levels in the n-type VPE-GaAs grown under the conditions of argon, nitrogen and hydrogen respectively.The comparison results show that the VPE-GaAs Material with a lower concentration of n-type VPE-GaAs material than the other conditions but grown under a nitrogen and hydrogen atmosphere, and the AsCl 3-Ga-Ar system is expected to be superior in GaAs devices.