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同西服套装相配搭,写字楼白领脚上的男鞋也应该是高品质和国际化的。西装皮鞋的式样很明确——经典的流线型,鞋面鞋底都采用高质量的真皮材料,色彩稳重不轻飘。在白领男士的形象装扮上,有时保守的款式就意味着简约、出色和优越感。 西装皮鞋的款式可分为系带和不系带两种,系带鞋的款式更正式。当身上的西装西裤是同一种面料和颜色,而脚上的袜子和皮鞋都是深色的,这便是一个合格的白领形象,穿着者通过经典而大方的服饰风格将自信和内涵体现出来。一双质量上佳的西装皮鞋,好像高品质的流线型轿车,使你的形象国际化、高档化。鞋子的颜色首选是黑色,它可以随心所欲地来配各种颜色的西装和袜子。咖啡色是其次的选择。 试买新鞋子,最好是中午以后,脚上袜子的薄厚度应该考虑同新鞋季节的一致性。先试自己尺码较大的一只脚,合适后再左右两只一起穿上,并四周走动一下,感受一下鞋子在行走中的舒适度是十分重 Matching suit suits, office workers white-collar workers should also be high-quality men’s shoes and international. The style of the suit shoes is very clear - the classic streamlined, upper soles are made of high quality leather material, the color is not light floating stable. In the white-collar men’s image dress, and sometimes conservative style means simple, excellent and superiority. The style of the suit shoes can be divided into two kinds of lacing and lacing, lacing shoes style more formal. When the body suit trousers are the same fabric and color, and foot socks and shoes are dark, this is a qualified white-collar image, the wearer through the classic and generous style of dress will be reflected in the self-confidence and content . A pair of good quality leather shoes, like the high-quality streamlined cars, so that your image of international, upscale. Shoes color preference is black, it can be arbitrarily with a variety of colors suit and socks. Brown is the second choice. Try to buy new shoes, preferably after noon, the thickness of the foot socks should consider the consistency of the season with the new shoes. First try their own larger size of one foot, after appropriate about two to wear together, and around for a walk, feel the comfort of walking in the shoes is very heavy
随着改革开放的不断深化,人民生活水平的不断提高,手机成了人们互相传递信息必不可少的通信工具,但如今假冒伪劣商品屡禁不止,人们在买手机电池时也不要过于轻心。 With th
“时尚”是一个含混不清的词,没有人去认真考证过它的出处、由来。人们尽可以尽情地使用,并借机煽情、制造事端。——责疑时尚的话语权 “Fashion” is a vague word, no on
木质地板凭借天然、无污染、典雅、舒适、保温、保湿等独特的优势,正日益成为现代家庭室内地面装饰首选材料,消费量已超过了石材的用量,但也出现了种种消费误区。 With the
据《世界科技译报》1999年12月29日介绍:日本医学专家认为,经验证明老年人多食肉可长寿。 日本东京都老年综合研究所副所长柴田博认为,老年人每天吃 50g肉、80g鱼。一个鸡蛋
原料:鲫鱼2500g,水发海带、白菜各750g,净大葱750g,香油800g,酱油800g,醋750g,料酒200g,白糖750g,盐75g,姜、蒜片各50g,大料5g,水适量。 Raw materials: crucian carp 2500
日常生活中 ,人们往往拿家里用剩的碎皂块没办法 ,用又不顺手 ,丢了又可惜。这些碎皂块能不能派上新的用场呢?笔者结合实践介绍以下三个新用法 :1 将用剩的一些碎皂块一起塞入