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纹枯病是江苏省水稻上的重要病害,近年来连续偏重以上发生,发生时期长、自然危害程度重、防治压力大。据相关流行因素综合分析,预计今年水稻纹枯病呈严重流行态势,对该省水稻生产构成较大威胁。生产上要及早谋划、精心准备,科学打好纹枯病防治战役,将损失降到最低程度。 Rhizoctonia solani is an important disease on rice in Jiangsu Province. In recent years, the occurrence of sheath blight has been more or less serious. The occurrence period is long, the degree of natural harm is heavy and the prevention and treatment pressure is great. According to a comprehensive analysis of related epidemic factors, it is estimated that rice sheath blight is in a serious epidemic situation this year, posing a greater threat to rice production in the province. Production should be planned as early as possible, meticulously prepared, scientifically struck with prevention and control of sheath blight disease, the loss will be reduced to a minimum.
[病例]男,78y.因慢性支气管炎急性加重期,肺心病于1998-02-15入院.既往无精神病、癫(疒间)及类似家族史.体检:T38.3℃.P145 beats/min,R35 beats/min,BP 135/75 mmHg(18.0/10
[病例]男,67y.因上腹痛作钡餐检查.8:00po新调配的常规剂量硫酸钡,9:30出现口渴、畏冷、寒战、乏力、恶心、呕吐、腹泻(钡剂便).查BP9.3/7.1kPa(70/54 mmHg),心肺正常,腹部剑
《中华读书报》的一位读者因贾兰坡先生靠坐图书馆而自学成材 ,从而感慨今天到公共图书馆看书的诸多不便。他的结论是 :如果贾先生活在今天 ,只怕在图书馆里读书就没有那么方
[病例]男,20 y.因腹部阵发性隐痛,脓血便1d入院.入院后给予呋喃唑酮(石家庄市第一制药厂,批号980601)0. 3gPo,约80min后患者出现神志不清,呼吸浅快.体检:T36.8℃、P110beats/
A new carbon bridged cyclopentadienyl chromium complex of the type [(C5H4)C(CH3)2 CH2(C5H4N)]CrCl2 was prepared by treatment of CrCl3·(THF)3 in THF solution wi
文章结合水利工程现场泵送混凝土施工普遍存在的主要问题,提出了泵送混凝土质量控制要点和方法。 In this paper, the main problems of ubiquitous construction of pumpin
1992年1月~1997年12月,我院共收治口服地西泮急性中毒158例,均救治成功。1 临床资料1.1 一般情况 本组男22例,女136例,男∶女=1∶6;年龄14~62岁,平均23岁。其中18岁21例(13.
文章提出加强对当代医学大学生的人文社科素质培养,充分发挥图书馆的教育服务功能,是发展图书馆事业、培养跨世纪人才战略的重大举措。 The article puts forward that it i