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基于RS数据源,利用ERDAS和ArcG IS软件技术,对榆靖高速公路两侧300 m范围水土流失动态变化开展研究。通过遥感图像数字处理方法,提取对水土流失起主导作用的植被覆盖度、土地利用类型、沟谷密度等因子;在矢量化等高线数据的基础上生成数字高程模型(DEM),提取地形坡度因子,将这4个因子在G IS中进行空间叠加分析。参照《土壤侵蚀分级标准》,生成研究区不同时段水土流失强度等级图,利用G IS属性统计功能对公路沿线各等级水土流失区面积进行统计,参照研究区不同侵蚀类型的土壤侵蚀模数,得出1996年和2006年公路沿线各流失区的水土流失量,并对公路沿线水土流失动态变化进行分析。结果表明:榆靖高速公路修建后沿线600 m范围水土流失总量减少19.26万t/a,水土流失呈减弱趋势。公路施工期导致水土流失增强的各种因素随着营运期固化路面的形成而逐渐消失,防沙固沙和生态恢复等措施有效改善了公路路域生态环境,对公路沿线水土流失防治起到了积极作用。 Based on RS data sources, the dynamic changes of soil and water loss over the 300-m area on both sides of Yu-Jing Expressway were studied by using ERDAS and ArcGIS software. Based on the vectorized contour data, a digital elevation model (DEM) was derived based on the data of remote sensing image digital processing to extract the vegetation coverage, land use types and valley density that played a leading role in water and soil loss. The terrain slope factor , The four factors in G IS space overlay analysis. With reference to “Soil Erosion Classification Criteria”, soil water and soil erosion intensity gradation maps of different periods in the study area are generated, and statistics of G IS attribute statistics is used to calculate the soil erosion area of ​​each grade along the highway, with reference to soil erosion modulus of different erosion types in the study area The amount of soil and water loss in each lost area along the highway in 1996 and 2006 is analyzed, and the dynamic changes of soil and water loss along the highway are analyzed. The results show that the total amount of soil and water loss in 600 m along the Yujing Expressway is reduced by 192,600 t / a, and the soil and water loss shows a decreasing trend. Various factors that lead to the increase of soil and water loss during highway construction period gradually disappear with the formation of cured pavement during the operation period. Measures such as sand control, sand fixation and ecological restoration have effectively improved the ecological environment of highway roads and played an active role in the prevention and control of soil and water loss along the highway .
针对Science发表的密度峰值聚类(Density peaks clustering,DPC)算法及其改进算法效率不高的缺陷,提出一种相对邻域和剪枝策略优化的密度峰值聚类(Relative neighborhood and
胺碘酮是有效的广谱抗心律失常药,对心房颤动(房颤)有较好疗效,且较少出现致心律失常作用,但其对心电图QT离散度(QTdispersion QTd)的影响各家报告很不一致,至今尚无定论。我们使用胺