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第六届国际铸造、锻压及工业炉展览会(METAL CHINA 2002)即将于9月17~20日在北京国际展览中心举行,该展会是由中国国际贸易促进会委员会、中国铸造协会、工业炉学会和中国锻压协会共同主办。通常每两年举办一次。现已由最初较小的规模发展到了世界第三、亚洲最大的金属展。 今年是中国入世的头一年,中国经济正在进行深刻的结构性改革,国有企业实施民营化战略、西部开发战略等多项重大举措的实施,必将有力地拉动内需。受其影响,机械制造业近年来也呈现出良好的发展态势。在这种形势下, The 6th International Foundry, Forging and Industrial Furnace Exhibition (METAL CHINA 2002) will be held September 17 ~ 20 at the Beijing International Exhibition Center, the exhibition by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, China Foundry Association, Industrial Furnace Institute Co-sponsored with China Forging Association. Usually held every two years. Now from the initial smaller size developed to the third in the world, Asia’s largest metal show. This year marks the first year of China’s accession to the WTO. The Chinese economy is undergoing profound structural reforms. The implementation of a number of major initiatives such as the strategy of privatization by state-owned enterprises and the strategy for the development of the western region will surely stimulate domestic demand. Affected by the machinery manufacturing industry in recent years also showed a good momentum of development. In this situation,
采用人际功能语言学理论分析文学语篇是可行的。这种分析可为我们认识、理解、欣赏文学语篇提供一些客观、科学的依据。 It is feasible to use the theory of interpersona
一、试题简介 该试题为七件组合(图1),其中4件为现场加工件,另外三件圆柱钥为自备件。加工工时为8h。在试题中件1为支承件,件4有3个V形,其中两个90°V形由件1上两个圆柱销支
本世纪最后一个秋天似乎来的早了一些,但东营宽畅的公路两边忙于收获的人们却是喜形于色。金风送爽,我们慕名采访了东营市水利局新任局长崔兆武同志。 或许是因为近期工作太
为了配合液压剪板机的剪切加工,我们设计制造了液压剪板机接取料台车。经生产实践证明:提高生产效率2~3倍,取得了较好的经济效益。 台车采用电机驱动,集中控制,行程开关限位,
日立金属股份有限公司对合金的热膨胀系数和蠕变断裂强度经过改革后,开发研制出低热膨胀超耐热合金 HRA929和HRA929C 两种合金。低热膨胀超耐热合金是用于燃气轮机,在高温下
The components and carbon isotope of gases in inclusions are one of the most important geochemical indexes for gas pools.The analysis results of the components