
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smn1970
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幼儿初学剪贴时,一般都由老师帮助取材,由老师教剪贴方法、步骤,幼儿照样画胡芦。这种方法不利于幼儿形象思维及创造力的发挥。大班幼儿已经有了一定的剪贴基础,可以让他们通过对所剪物体的观察、认识,启发他们自己取材,运用目测方法,自己剪贴。我曾上过一堂让幼儿自由剪贴“江里的船”的美工课,收到了较好的效果。课前,我先带幼儿去江边观察江里的船。上课时我提出问题,引导幼儿思考,让他们概括自己看到的各种各样船的外形特征,然后自己取材(老师只供给料),运用目测方法,自己设计剪贴方法,将个人感受到的船及江边的风光反映在画面上。在老师没有示范剪贴方法、步骤的情况下,每个幼儿都剪贴出船,有的剪出好几种船。如蓬船、小摇船、客船、货船。船形各异,画面内容丰富。小摇船上有一个小朋友手拿桨在划水,客船有二层的,五层的,船上有正方形的窗户,顶上还有红旗,有的小朋友近处剪 Child care beginner clipboard, usually by the teacher to help draw material from the teacher to teach the method of clipping, steps, pictures still young children Hulu. This method is not conducive to children’s thinking and creativity to play. Preschool children have had some basic scrapbooking, allowing them through the observation of the cut objects, understanding, inspired them to draw, the use of visual methods, self-cut. I’ve had a good lesson in the art class that allows children to freely clip the “boat on the river.” Before class, I first take young children to the river to observe the boat in the river. During class, I asked questions to guide children to think about them and summarized them in appearance characteristics of all kinds of ships they saw. Then they collected their own materials (the teacher only supplied the materials), and used visual methods to design their own scrapbooking methods to personally feel The scenery of the boat and the river is reflected in the picture. In the teacher did not demonstrate the method of clipping, the case of each child are cut out of the ship, and some cut out several types of boats. Such as Pengchuan, small yachting, passenger ships, cargo ships. Different boat shape, the picture is rich in content. There is a small rocker boat holding paddle in paddling, the passenger boat has two floors, five layers, the ship has a square window, there is a red flag at the top, and some children near the cut
重钢3、4号高炉(620 m~3)分别在1980年和1987年大修停炉,破损调查发现,炉底的残砖几乎每块都装在一个“铅盒”内。炉底砖和耐热混凝土基础间的找平层全部被铅充填,冷却后形
2000年6月14日,颇费周折的英国《金融服务与市场法》(Financial Services and MarketsAct 2000,简称为“FSMA”)完成了最后的立法手续,获得通过,并将于2001年4月1日正式生效
假期到啦,老师又布置了好多背诵的东西,好烦恼啊!  这有什么好烦恼的啊?假期到了,不是有好多时间可以玩嘛,应该开心啊!  因为说起背诵啊,我就是小白啊!  小白?不会吧,你竟然会记不住啊?  是啊,烦死啦!老叔,你看这首诗,我都疯掉啦!每句都那么难,我怎么可能记住啊?  哈哈!其实,也不难啦!这首诗可以用谐音来巧妙记忆,这样很快就可以记住啦,所以你不用烦恼啦!  谐音?老叔,你在说什么啊?  谐音
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尽快完善与市场经济运行、市场经济秩序和制度实施等密切相关的法律体系,是支撑中国社会主义市场经济体制从初级走向中期的关键 As soon as possible, improving the legal
修己是孔子伦理思想的核心。怎样修己?修己的目标是什么?当我们思考这个问题时,会发现一个字很重要,它在整个孔子思想体系中占有重要的地位,这个字就是“安”。  有一天,孔子的弟子宰我问孔子:“父母去世后为其守丧三年,时间未免太长了吧。”孔子感到诧异,于是问他:在自己父母的丧期内,如果吃精细的米饭,穿锦缎制成的华美衣服,你会觉得心安吗?孔子没有想到,宰我竟然说:我心安!孔子很意外,他无奈地说:“女安,则
10月12日 晴  在这秋高气爽的十月里,我们迎着秋日的阳光,伴随着收获的季节,迎来了欢快紧张的校运动会。  精彩的开幕式过后,扣人心弦的接力赛开始了,各班的运动员都在做最后的赛前准备。他们个个摩拳擦掌,跃跃欲试,准备在赛场上大显身手。我做为一名参赛队员,心里紧张极了。我们大家互相加油鼓励,比赛正式开始了,整个赛场沸腾起来,加油助威声此起彼伏,震耳欲聋。我们班吴凡第一个像离弦的箭射了出去,直奔终点