质量立校 特色发展 奋进中的江西电力职业技术学院

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江西电力职业技术学院是江西省唯一的一所公办全日制电力类普通高校。学院创建于1958年,位于南昌市昌北经济技术开发区,占地680余亩,园内绿树成荫,空气清新,是一座名副其实的园林式学院。建校近50年来,学院立足电力,面向社会,坚持“服务江西省电力公司工作大局、服务学生、服务用人单位、服务社会发展”的办学宗旨,围绕“质量为本、师资为根、特色为魂、经营为基”的办学理念,全面推进机制创新、制度创新、培养模式创新、学科专业创新,倡导并推行“学历与技能并重,文凭与证书兼得”的教学理念,确立以就业为导向,以素质培养为根本,以能力提高为核心的人才培养模式。学院积极打造精品专业,突出办学特色。2003年被教育部确定为“国家职业教育改革试点院校”。2005年被评为“江西人民满意十大品牌院校”。党委书记、院长张小毛同志是江西省电力公司党组号召全省电力系统学习的楷模,相继获得“江西省劳模”、“国家电网公司特等劳模”、“感动教育——首届中国(江西)十大杰出高校校长”和“中国高校杰出校长”等荣誉称号。 Jiangxi Electric Power Vocational and Technical College is the only one in Jiangxi Province public full-time electric power type of colleges and universities. College was founded in 1958, located in Nanchang Changbei Economic and Technological Development Zone, covering more than 680 acres, the park tree-lined, fresh air, is a veritable Garden College. In the past 50 years since its establishment, the school has been basing itself on electricity and facing the society. It insists on the principle of “serving the overall work of Jiangxi Power Company, serving students and serving employers and serving the society.” Based on the tenet of “quality oriented, , Characterized by the soul, business-based ”school philosophy, and comprehensively promote the mechanism innovation, system innovation, training mode innovation, disciplinary innovation, advocacy and implementation “ both academic and technical ability, diploma and certificate have ”teaching philosophy , Establish a personnel training mode taking employment as the guide, quality training as the foundation and ability as the core. College actively create quality professional, highlight the characteristics of running a school. In 2003 by the Ministry of education identified as “national vocational education reform pilot institutions.” 2005 was named “Jiangxi people satisfied with the top ten brand institutions.” Comrade Zhang Xiaomao, party secretary and dean, is a model party group of Jiangxi Provincial Power Company called for the province’s power system learning and successively won the titles of “model worker of Jiangxi Province”, “state model worker of State Grid Corporation of China”, “moving education China (Jiangxi) ten outstanding university principals ”and “ China University outstanding principal ”and other honorary titles.
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