
来源 :今日山西 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mimistart
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A LOCAL - color writer in Shanxi, Zhang Enzhong devotes all his efforts and emotions to his native land - - - Shanxi and he wrote his first novel, “Flames of War in LongGang” which vividly narrates a historical true story about a guerrilla detachment in his hometown, the Zhongtiao Mountains; another newly - published work of his is“ the Biography of En MaGuang” which introduces a historically famous figure of Shanxi - - - En MaGuang to us. This Biography is published just when Mr. Zhang is getting nearly 60 years old and he dedicates this book to the society and the approaching new century as a unique gift. A LOCAL - color writer in Shanxi, Zhang Enzhong devotes all his efforts and emotions to his native land - - - Shanxi and he wrote his first novel, “” Flames of War in LongGang “which vividly narrates a historical true story about a guerrilla detachment in his hometown, the Zhongtiao Mountains; another newly - published work of his is ”the Biography of En MaGuang " which introduces a historically famous figure of Shanxi - - - En MaGuang to us. Zhang is getting nearly 60 years old and he dedicates this book to the society and the approaching new century as a unique gift.
最近读到一本感人的书,名叫《我的谢尔盖》。作者是前苏联多次人获得双人花样滑冰世界冠军之一的埃卡特林娜。戈尔代娃(Ekaterina Gordeeva),也许因为她的英语不够纯正,所以
目的 :对空气人血白蛋白微球制剂的制备工艺进行研究 ,并初步探讨微球形成机理。方法 :按正交设计筛选最佳制备工艺条件 ;库尔特颗粒分析仪测定最佳制备工艺条件下微球粒径 ;