The genesis of tectono-magmatism in eastern China

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:andymei
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The tectono-magmatism in eastern China is a hotspot for the researches, and many hypotheses of that were discussed. There is a middle crust with solid, low velocity and high conductivity in eastern China, which is impossible to form“convection magmatic layer”. The subduction and compression of oceanic plate induced to the lateral pressure for the eastern China lithosphere in the condition of increasing pressure and decreasing temperature, it is also impossible to form an extensively melting magma layer. In South China, the granitic zone migrates from west to east, their evolution cannot be explained by plate subduction. The original magmatic reservoirs are controlled by main faults and spheres, which occurred the tectonic detachment and formed in the process of decreasing pressure and increasing temperature. The magma only originates in very small part of lithosphere. The tectono-magmatism and tectonic detachment of eastern China lithosphere during the Jurassic and the Cretaceous are concentrate mainly near the intersections between the regional faults and middle crust or the Moho discontinuity, and then magma intrudes or erupts along faults. The tectono-magmatism of Cenozoic originates near the intersections between the regional high-angle normal faults and the bottom of lithosphere. Obviously, the different penetration depth of faults induces a different kind of magmatism. There is a middle crust with solid, low velocity and high conductivity in eastern China, which is impossible to form “convection magmatic layer ”The subduction and compression of oceanic plate induced to the lateral pressure for the eastern China lithosphere in the condition of increasing pressure and decreasing temperature, it is also impossible to form an extensively melting magma layer. In South China, the granitic zone migrates from west to east, their evolution can not be explained by plate subduction. The original magmatic reservoirs are controlled by main faults and spheres, which occurred the tectonic detachment and formed in the process of decreasing pressure and increasing temperature. The magma only originates in very small part of lithosphere. The tectono-magmatism and tectonic detachment of eastern China lithosphere during the Jurassic and the Cretaceous are concentrate mainly near the intersections between the regional faults and middle crust or the Moho discontinuity, and then magma intrudes or erupts along faults. The tectono-magmatism of Cenozoic originates near the intersections between the regional high-angle normal faults and the bottom of lithosphere. Obviously, the different penetration depth of faults induces a different kind of magmatism.
一辆起亚 CARNIVAL 商务车,在行驶中发动机突然自动熄火,再无法起动,检查发现没有高压电火花。由于此种车型较少,诊断连接器为17端子式,一般通用的故障诊断仪都没有这种诊断
小时候,为了捉蟋蟀给丫丫我不回家。  妈妈来找我说:“天黑了,回家吧。”  “我不回,捉不到蟋蟀我不回家,我一定要捉到会唱歌的蟋蟀。”我说。  我忘了我是什么时候回家的了,只记得我挨了打,一只耳朵被妈妈牢牢捏住。我哇哇大哭,仿佛有无限委屈。我哭到了深夜,又哭到了天明,妈妈一夜没睡,她也没想到自己一挥手就导致了一场悲壮的长剧,她亲我,给我吃糖,说你不是想要小画册吗,我今儿就去买。  我说,什么都不想
由中国国际减灾十年委员会办公室编 ,中国国际减灾十年委员会副主任兼秘书长、民政部副部长范宝俊任主编的《中国国际减灾十年实录》,已于 2 0 0 0年 1 0月由当代中国出版社