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如果你看过“98机场”上那群顽皮的桑巴小子的灵幻舞步,如果你见过“沙滩小子”们返朴归真的真情演出,那么你一定会为世界球星在广告片中的精彩表演以及他们在广告界的如鱼得水而拍案叫好。广告设计者匠心独具的艺术构思、商家不惜重金在制作过程中的严格考究,足球运动充满动感与节奏的艺术韵律无一不是牵引人们目光的重要因素,而球星本身雄魂壮阔的本色表演更是牵动人们心灵的重要一环。毫无疑问,拍广告已经成为各种球星赚钱和展示真我风采的又一途径,而且在你方唱罢我登场的球星轮换之中,足坛的潮起潮落和球星的成败得失隐约可见。如果说在世界杯前罗纳尔多在耐克的两部耗资近亿元的广告制作中的表演使他当之无愧地成为众商家追逐的广告界红人的话,那么世界杯后他的低迷则让他失去这一地位。在竞争残酷的商战中,商家无疑会为自己的商品寻找合适的代言人,而根本无法上场参赛的罗纳尔多显然已经无法起到这样的作用,对于球星而言,世界杯无疑是大浪淘沙,经得起颠波立于浪尖的理所当然成为宠儿,而也有一些沉迹于浪底的则很快会被流沙淹没,罗纳尔多就是例子。他一损俱损,丢了世界冠军又被耐克打入了冷宫。能够成功取代罗纳尔多成为广告新笼的当属欧文。据不完全统计世界杯后他虽然先后拒绝了近3500万英镑的商业赞助,但寻寻觅觅希望借助他的窜红发财的人仍络绎不绝。JAGUAR汽车商只为了让自己的汽车与他合个影就付出了50万英镑,而百事可乐公司更是为了他的豪饮付出了50万英镑,甚至克力架生产商只为了他能咬上一口他们的产品也花费了将近80万英镑,欧文的商业价值随着他在球场上的出色表现而不断攀升,他的势头甚至超过了号称“万人迷”的贝克汉姆,而随着以他为原形的’99新款足球游戏的正式发行,欧文那青春、英俊的形象已经真正深入了球迷的 If you’ve seen the spiritual moves of those naughty samba boys on “98 Airport”, if you’ve ever seen “Beach Boy” come back to basics, then you’re bound to star in the world for advertising The film’s wonderful performance and their success in the advertising industry make a good case. Advertising designers ingenuity of the artistic concept, the business spared no expense in the production process of rigorous research, football is full of dynamic and rhythm art rhythm is not only an important factor in attracting people’s attention, and the star itself magnificent character performances more It is an important part affecting people’s minds. There is no doubt that making commercials has become another way for players to make money and showcase what they really are. And the ups and downs of the football arena and the success or failure of the players are vaguely visible . If Ronaldo before the World Cup in Nike’s two nearly 100 million advertising costs made him deservedly deserved to become all the businessmen chase the advertising world of Red words, then his downturn after the World Cup let him lose this position. Merchants will undoubtedly find suitable spokespersons for their products in a brutal competition, and Ronaldo, who can not play at all, has obviously failed to play such a role. For the star players, the World Cup is undoubtedly the ebb and flow, Of course, it is a darling of the waves, and there are also some drowned in quicksand that have some of the traces of the waves at the bottom of the waves. Ronaldo is an example. He suffered a loss, lost the world champion was Nike into cold limbs. Can successfully replace Ronaldo became the new caged advertising Owen. According to incomplete statistics of the World Cup, he has rejected nearly 35 million pounds of commercial sponsorship, but looking for those who hope to make use of his wealthy people are still fickle. JAGUAR car dealer just to make his car with him a movie to pay 500,000 pounds, and PepsiCo is to pay him £ 500,000, even the manufacturer of chocolate bar for him to bite them Of the product also spent nearly 800,000 pounds, Owen’s commercial value as he on the pitch outstanding performance and rising, his momentum even more than known as “millionaire” Beckham, and as with He is the prototype of the ’99 new football game’s official release, Owen that youthful, handsome image has really gone into the fan’s
<正> 本文对65例29天以上多脏器功能衰竭的患儿进行了临床分析,其结果首先是藏、汉族之间原发病有明显的不同;藏族以感染性疾病为主,而汉族则以高原性疾病为主。65例患儿其单
为了探索肾病综合征血清微量元素锌变化情况,我们对60例肾病综合征患儿进行了血清锌测定,根据血锌值进行了锌疗法,现将结果报告如下。 对象方法与结果 一、对象 1.正常对照
最先看见了别人没有看见的东西,做了别人既没敢想也没敢干的事,使人们对财富的观念产生了飞跃。 人们习惯上尊敬成功的人,他的经验与智慧也为人们津津乐道,有关他个人的故事,在社
研究了喷射成形Al93 .5Cu3Fe1 .5 Ni1Ce0 .5Zr0 .5 合金快速凝固组织特征及弥散强化相的形成。结果表明, 喷射成形快速凝固技术显著地细化了合金组织; 预成形毛坯具有3 种典型的组织特征, 其中主要弥散强化相
研究了反向凝固法生产的钢带母带与凝固层间的焊合,分析了影响焊合的因素,并对复合机理进行了探讨。 The welding between the strip and the solidified layer produced by r