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我院在“六五”期间的办学实践告诉我们:办好职工大学必须抓住三个根本问题,一是坚持为本系统经济建设服务的办学方向;二是突出职大特点,提高教学质量,解决好怎样为经济建设服务的问题;三是千方百计上条件。据1985年6月底的统计,学校在按生已达到760名,其中大专班学员360名,继续工程教育300名,单科班100多名。教学形式有脱产、业余、刊授加辅导等。一个以与牡丹江机械行业发展相匹配的多规格、多层次、多种形式的职工高教中心初步形成。据统计:共培养大专人才150名,相当于牡市机械局系统同期普通高校分配毕业生的5倍;还举办了干部培训班9期,培训干部343名;举办职工高中和中级技术班12个,培训人数达750名。此外,学校在完成人才培训的同时,还结合教学实践环节为企业完成专机(生产线)的研 The practice of running a school during the Sixth Five-Year Plan of our college tells us: To run a contingent of workers and universities, we must grasp three fundamental issues: First, to insist on running a school for the economic construction of the system; second, to highlight the characteristics of vocational education and improve the quality of teaching, How to solve the problem of how to serve the economic construction; Third, do everything possible to satisfy the conditions. According to the statistics by the end of June 1985, the number of students in schools has reached 760, including 360 college students, 300 continuing engineering education and more than 100 single-level courses. There are a variety of teaching methods, amateur, academic and counseling. A Mudanjiang Machinery Industry to match the development of multi-standard, multi-level, various forms of higher education center for workers initially formed. According to the statistics, a total of 150 college personnel are trained, which is equivalent to 5 times of the graduates assigned by ordinary colleges and universities in the same time by the Municipal Machinery Bureau of Muping Municipality. Nine training courses for cadres and 343 cadres are also held. Twelve senior and mid- , Training up to 750 people. In addition, the school completed the training of personnel at the same time, but also with the teaching practice link for the completion of the plane (production line) research
为了全面推进素质教育 ,强化教育与生产劳动相结合 ,使生物课堂教学知识付诸于实践 ,做到教、学、做有机结合 ,培养学生动手能力和独立生活能力。安徽省马鞍山市教委在市郊向
该文拟从“外部空间与城市空间相结合”、将“外部空间引入室内”两方面来探讨现代高层综合体的外部空间组织。 The article intends to explore the external spatial orga