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作为凝结调查研究劳动成果的调研报道稿件,由于写作上的某些缺陷,读起来往往觉得沉闷、呆板,不能雅俗共赏,失去了不少读者。这类稿件是否就应该循着那个老套套,搞得沉闷,冗长,不大让人感兴趣呢?不是的。因为生活是生动的,调查研究比一般采访对生活了解得更透彻,调研稿件也理应比一般报道更能使普通读者感兴趣。 1985年以来,我几乎每年都至少参加一项专题调研。在写作上,有的报道确实难以跳出老的版式,但 As a result of investigation of the investigation of labor condensation research articles reported manuscripts, due to some of the writing defects, often feel boring to read, dull, can not be popular, lost a lot of readers. Should this kind of manuscript follow the old style and make it dull, lengthy and not very interesting? No. Because life is vivid, investigation and study understand life more thoroughly than general interviews, and research manuscripts should be of more interest to ordinary readers than general reports. Since 1985, I have attended at least one thematic survey almost every year. In writing, some reports really hard to jump out of the old layout, however
细胞质雄性不育(Cytoplasmic Male Sterility,CMS)是植物杂种优势的利用的基础,并且已经广泛的应用于水稻、玉米等作物中。棉花(GossypiumbarbadenseL)是重要的经济作物,也具有显著的杂种优势。但是由于其CMS资源的匮乏,导致杂种优势的利用受到了极大的限制。因此,开展棉花CMS不育分子机理研究,为更好的利用棉花杂种优势,具有重要的理论和实践意义。海岛棉CMS
<正> 一明清王骥德、李渔有“世之腔30年一变”之说,当代戏曲音乐家也认为越剧形成后100年内声腔平均十几年一变。这是因为,音乐是现实生活的反映,新的音乐跳动着新时代的脉膊。由于时代的前进,人们对戏曲艺术的审美情趣发生了很大的变化,过去的戏曲艺术作品的审美价值也随着时代的变迁和人们欣赏情趣的变化而发生着变化。广播戏曲不同于舞台戏曲,无直观形象,属声音艺术。所
We have investigated the reduced fluctuation properties in a mesoscopic Josephson junction with the squeezed state at a finite temperature. It is shown that the
We have investigated the transport and ultraviolet photovoltaic properties of Fe3O4 thin films grown on glass substrates by facing-target sputtering technique.
We propose a special two-photon state which is completely transparent in a 50/50 beam splitter. This effect is caused by the destructive two-photon interference
Based on the energy transfer process from host to dopant in an organic electrophosphorescent (EP) device, the expression of energy transfer probability (η) bet
The coupling effect and stability property of symmetric bright holographic soliton pairs have been investigated numerically. Results show that when any one of t
The general performance characteristics of an irreversible quantum refrigeration cycle using many non-interacting spin-1/2 systems as the working substance and
An algorithm is devised to obtained exact travelling wave solutions of differential-different equations by means of hyperbolic function. For illustration, we ap
In this paper, frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser’s phase conjugation has been investigated experimentally using resonant degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM). The i