海德堡速霸CX 75将速霸XL 75的创新巅峰级平台与速霸SX 74的先进组件相结合,形成一台紧凑、灵活而且经济的单面印刷机,适用于快速发展壮大的印刷企业。该设备的销售在全球各地取得了开门红,威斯洛赫工厂开足马力加班加点进行生产,第一批印刷机将在11月初交付给客户。中国广州宇华扑克公司广州宇华扑克有限公司共同创始人赖振国和赖阳宝参观了5月的北京国际印刷技术展览会。正是在这次展览会上,海德堡公司首次推出了全新的速霸
The Heidelberg Speedmaster CX 75 combines the revolutionary Summit 75 of the Speedmaster XL 75 with the advanced components of the Speedmaster SX 74 to form a compact, flexible and economical one-sided printing press for fast-growing printers. Sales of the device have made a good start in the world, and Weslohloo operates at full capacity with the first batch of presses to be delivered to customers in early November. China Guangzhou Yuhua poker company Guangzhou Yuhua Poker Co., Ltd. co-founders Lai Zhenguo and Lai Yangbao visited the May Beijing International Printing Technology Exhibition. It was at this exhibition that Heidelberg first introduced the new Speedmaster