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东园紫茄原产于吉安东园而得名,有150多年栽培历史,是当地茄类蔬菜之冠。东园紫茄色紫个大,呈长圆棒形,品质佳,结果期较长,且产量比一般茄子高1—2倍,是广受人们喜爱的蔬菜品种。 一、特征特性 东园紫茄为一年生草本植物,株高100Cm,开展度65-70cm,叶片绿紫色,波浪形,花紫色,单生,第一花着生于9-11节,果实长圆棒形,茄长30-35cm,直径6-8cm,前尾端微尖,应深紫色且富有光泽,肉肥籽少。抗病性能好,适宜中性沙质壤土栽培。一般从5月下旬开花,至10月陆续结果,结果期长达4—5个月,株产15—20个左右,单个重250—300g,亩产可达7500kg。 二、栽培要点 (一)适时播种 为了使商品茄早上市,一般在12月中旬前后采用地膜育苗,也可在春分期间播种育苗。在播种前,将种子用温汤浸种4—6小时,置25-30℃处催芽。选择的苗床须避风向阳,苗床的营养土须经霜冻灭虫后,再施入有机肥或草木灰30%、锯末20%拌匀,然后稀播。这样能调节温度水分,通气透光,有利于出苗。当苗露芽生叶时,宜日 East Park Purple Eggplant native to the East Ji’an named after more than 150 years of cultivation history, is the top local vegetables. East Park purple eggplant purple large, was oblong rod shape, good quality, longer results, and the output is 1-2 times higher than the average eggplant, is widely loved by the people of the vegetable varieties. First, the characteristics of Dongyuan purple eggplant annual herb, plant height 100Cm, the degree of 65-70cm, leaf green purple, wavy, purple flowers, solitary, the first flower was born in section 9-11, Shape, eggplant length 30-35cm, diameter 6-8cm, before the end of the tip, should be deep purple and shiny, fat seed less. Good disease resistance, suitable for neutral sandy loam cultivation. Generally flowering from late May to October results after another, the results of up to 4-5 months, strains of about 15-20, a single weight 250-300g, up to 7500 kg per mu. Second, the main points of cultivation (a) timely sowing In order to make the morning egg commodity market, generally used in mid-December plastic film nursery, seedlings can also be sown during the vernal equinox. Before sowing, the seeds soaked with warm soup 4-6 hours, set at 25-30 ℃ Department of germination. Select the seedbed to be sheltered from the sun, nursery bed of nutrition soil after the insect pest control, and then applied organic fertilizer or ash 30%, 20% sawdust mix well, and then sowing. This can regulate the temperature and humidity, ventilation and light, is conducive to emergence. When the seedlings buds leaves, should be on
1.清园修剪 立冬前,将树冠内的病虫枝、衰弱枝、杂乱枝、重叠过密枝剪去;将园内的杂草、枯枝、落叶清除干净,集中深埋或烧毁;喷一次800倍多菌灵或托布津+1000倍敌敌畏混合液
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入夏以后,桔园病虫大量发生,必须注意防治。 锈壁虱 7~9月高温干旱天气盛发,刺吸果实、叶片汁液,使果实表面油胞破裂,油脂外溢,经空气氧化变成褐色至污黑气,果农称之为“油炸
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