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他是一位音乐怪才,出生于中国台北。他3岁开始学钢琴,7岁能作词谱曲。然而,由于痴迷音乐,他高考落榜,不得不到酒店打工谋生。于是,他渴望有一位贵人能帮助他登上舞台。他心中第一位贵人终于出现了。1997年9月,他参加了台北电视台《超猛新人王》演唱比赛。虽然比赛失利,但是,他的歌却引起了台湾阿尔发音乐公司老板吴宗宪的注意。原来,他谱的曲十分复杂,甚至超过了专业作曲家。吴宗宪邀请他到阿尔发音乐公司,专职写歌。他很高兴,欣然接受了邀请。在阿尔发音乐工作室,他创作了大量的歌曲,几乎是每天一首。可是,他辛辛苦苦创作的歌曲却得不到演艺界的认可。他渴望人生中第二位贵人出现。可是,这一等就是几年,他的歌曲始终无人问津。于是,他打算主动出击, He is a musical geek born in Taipei, China. He started to learn the piano at the age of 3, and he was a composer at the age of seven. However, due to obsession with music, he failed the entrance examination, had to work to get a living in the hotel. So, he longs for an honored man to help him onto the stage. The first elegant man in his heart finally appeared. In September 1997, he participated in the Taipei TV “Super Rookie King” singing competition. Although the game lost, but his song has aroused the attention of Taiwanese Alpha Music Company boss Jacky Wu. It turned out that his spectrum of music is very complicated, even more than a professional composer. Wu Zongxian invited him to Alfa music company, full-time writing songs. He was glad to accept the invitation. Alfa Music Studio, he created a large number of songs, almost a day. However, his hard-working song has not been recognized by the entertainment industry. He longs for the second noble in life to appear. However, this is just a few years, his songs are always nobody cares. So, he intends to take the initiative,
一、词汇教学 新英语课程标准规定义务教育阶段应达到 1200个单词和 200- 300个习惯用语或固定搭配的要求.高中毕业要求达到 3000个左右词汇和 400- 500个习惯用语或固定搭
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本文分析了菱形分段绝缘器用于复线电气化铁路上下行交叉渡线处所存在的问题,并就解决此问题提出了改进意见。 This paper analyzes the problems of the diamond segmented
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最近读了题为《力热综合题中的一个误区》的文章[1].文中对两道常见力热综合题的编创提出异意,两道原题如下. [题1]如图1所示,气缸竖直放置,气缸内的圆形活塞面积S=1cm2,质量m=200g.开始时,气缸内被封闭
对6502电气集中一个不解锁故障特例进行了调查分析,提出了在不改变6502定型电路基本原理和联锁关系前提下的改进措施,保证了解锁电路正常工作。 A special case of unbonded