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一、进一步明确当前立法工作面临的形势和任务改革开放20多年来,我国立法工作取得了很大成就,现在已经不是无法可依的时代,也不是立法工作的初始阶段。从国家来讲,已经初步形成了有中国特色的法律体系,正在向比较完善的法律体系迈进;从地方来讲,自1980年开始地方立法,经历了80年代的探索立法、90年代的快速立法和近些年的质量立法三个发展阶段,我国地方立法的总量已达8000多件,其中我省制定的现行有效的地方性法规共250多件。这些法律、法规的颁布施行,已经和正在发挥积极作用。同时,随着民主与法制建设的不断推进,人们对法律、法规本身的认识和对立法工作规律的认识逐步深化。立法工作属于上层建筑的范畴,它要适应经济基础的要求,反映时代的特征,适应经济社会发展变化的需要。前两年,围绕着加入世贸组织、行政审批制度改革等,地方立法从观念到方法,作了一系列调整和转变,当然这种调整和转变仍在继续。当前和今后一个时期,要深入贯彻落实党的十六大和十六届三中、四中全会精神,以科学发展观统领立法工作: I. Further clarifying the situation and tasks confronting the current legislative work More than 20 years of reform and opening up, the legislative work in our country has made great achievements. Now it is not an era that can not be settled or the initial stage of legislative work. From a national perspective, a legal system with Chinese characteristics has been initially formed and is progressing towards a relatively complete legal system. Locally, local legislation since 1980 has undergone probing legislation in the 1980s and rapid legislation in the 1990s In recent years, the quality legislation and the three stages of development, the total number of local legislation in our country has reached more than 8,000 pieces, of which the province to develop a number of existing and effective local laws and regulations a total of more than 250 pieces. The promulgation and implementation of these laws and regulations have been and are playing an active role. At the same time, with the continuous promotion of democracy and legal system construction, people’s understanding of laws and regulations as well as their understanding of the law of legislative work have been gradually deepened. Legislation belongs to the category of superstructure. It must meet the requirements of economic foundation, reflect the characteristics of the times and adapt to the needs of economic and social development and changes. In the first two years, a series of adjustments and changes were made to local legislations from concepts to methods around the accession to the WTO and the reform of the administrative examination and approval system. Of course, such adjustments and changes are still going on. At present and for a period in the future, we must thoroughly implement the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the 3rd, 4th Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, and lead the legislative work with the scientific development concept:
我和菲比姐姐坐在小咖啡馆蜜糖色的灯光下谈论起葛优——她的梦中情人。解释起为何用这4个字,我记得她突然豪放转含情,甚至有点羞涩地朝我眨了几下眼睛,说:“因为我确实梦到过葛优很多次,至于梦的内容,就少儿不宜了。”那一刻,我有点缺氧。  2008年初,菲比还在上大学时遇上了些挫折,一狠心用打工存的钱买了机票,飞到成都散心去了。几天后要回北京,荷包奄奄一息,又碰上挤破头的春运初潮,硬座硬卧早已售空,无奈,
以行政行为效力理论为基础,建立非诉行政行为的有效性审查标准不失为一种科学的选择。 Based on the theory of effectiveness of administrative action, it is a scientif