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创新,是艺术发展的必然逻辑。只有创新,艺术才会有鲜活的生命。创新是艺术家孜孜以求的终极艺术发展目标。从古至今,每个时代、每位艺术家的艺术创造都立足在上一个时代、前一辈优秀艺术作品美的基础之上。唐代尚法,宋代尚韵,元、明尚志,清代尚大气大势无不如此。然而,什么是创新?怎么创新?什么样的新才是具有美学品质的创新?其间的学问可大着呢。“盲人摸象”、“刻舟求剑”、“一知半解”都不是创新,“画虎不成反类犬”更不是创新。究竟如何从古典传统书法艺术中汲取营养,创作出优秀的艺术书法作品,看来不是一个简单的问题。张羽翔、陈国斌两位先生,是当代书坛中青辈中炙手可热的人物。尤其是在上个世纪90年代后期,两位先生率领他们“细柳营”的弟子,频频亮相于“全国展”、“中青展”,披金挂银,好不风光啊!张羽翔、陈国斌的区获奖往往以崭新的视觉构成或极具后现代“古曲主义”思想的作品为蓝本,一次次捧起了金灿灿的奖杯,赚足了评委和一帮青年人的眼球。于是,一批以张羽翔、陈国斌为模仿对象的后现代“古典主义”作品打造出笼,颇具“山雨欲来风满楼”之势,尤其以全国第五届、六届、七届“中青年书法展”最为火光。张羽翔、陈国斌的作品成为当代书法极具色彩、极具有争议的焦点。接下来,张羽翔、陈国斌的书法篆刻作品在创新、创造的大道上阔步前行。本期“点击·2004”栏目,编发了李庶民先生的《诈文与伪作——由“索卡尔事件”说起》,即是对张羽翔为“全国第八届中青年书法篆刻家展览”提供的一件对联作品和陈国斌为“第二届流行书风流行印风展”提供的几方印作的评论。尽管这件作品和这几方印不是获奖作品,但它们均是作为展览评委、主持人为展览提供的作品,亦比较能代表两位先生的当下水平。故特编发,与读者共享。 Innovation is the inevitable logic of artistic development. Only innovation, art will have a vivid life. Innovation is the culmination of the ultimate artistic development that artists strive for. From ancient times till now, every time, the artistic creation of each artist is based on the beauty of the previous generation of outstanding works of art. The Tang Dynasty Shang Fa, Song Shang Yun, Yuan, Ming Shangzhi, the Qing Dynasty is still the general trend of the atmosphere so. However, what is innovation? How innovation? What kind of new talent is an aesthetic quality of innovation? “Blind people like the elephant”, “carve the sword”, “little knowledge” are not innovative, “Tiger is not the opposite category of dog” is not innovative. It does not seem to be a simple question exactly how to draw nutrition from the classical traditional calligraphy art and create excellent art calligraphy works. Zhang Yu Xiang, Chen Guobin two gentlemen, is the hottest book in the history of the people. Especially in the late 1990s, the two gentlemen led their “Siu Liu Ying” disciples frequently appeared in the “National Exhibition”, “Youth Exhibition”, Phnom Penh, silver, really beautiful ah! Zhang Yu Xiang, Chen Guobin’s District winning often with a new visual composition or highly postmodernist “Gu’s art” thought of the work modeled, time and again won the golden trophy, pocketed the judges and a bunch of young people’s eyes. As a result, a number of postmodern “classicism” works with Zhang Yu Xiang and Chen Guobin as objects of imitation have been created. This is especially true for the fifth, sixth and seventh “middle-aged and young people Calligraphy Exhibition ”the most flames. Zhang Yu Xiang, Chen Guobin’s work has become the most colorful and controversial focus of contemporary calligraphy. Next, Zhang Yu Xiang, Chen Guobin’s calligraphy and seal cutting works in innovation, create strides on the road. In this issue of “Click on 2004”, Mr. Li Shumin compiled the “Fraudulent and Pseudo-works - From” the Sokal incident, “which is to provide Zhang Yuxiang with the title of” The Eighth China Youth Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Exhibition “ Of a couplet works and Chen Guobin for the ”second popular book style printing exhibition" offers several printed comments. Although the piece of work and the printed works of these parties are not award-winning works, they are all works that the judges of the exhibition, the moderators provided for the exhibition, and the current status of the two gentlemen. It is specially compiled hair, and readers to share.
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