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随着评价理论的日渐成熟,态度韵律的研究受到了国内外系统功能语言学者的重视。J.R.Martin指出,态度韵律是人际意义体现在语类层面的结构,在小句层面以渗透型(saturation)、加强型(intensification)和主导型(domina-tion)三种方式展开,但他对语类层面态度韵律的特征并未详述。鉴于此,本文试图探讨语类层面态度韵律的结构及特征。通过分析,本文认为态度韵律具有整体性特征。首先,作为一个整体系统,态度韵律分为目标、模式和结构三个层次。其次,目标根据不同语类各异,模式具体分为发散型(dispersion)、波浪型(wave)和梯度型(scalar),而结构层级化为态度阶段、态度相和态度单位。最后,系统内部的上向因果力和下向因果力共同作用,构成动态平衡的态度韵律。本文利用整体论思想及相关概念剖析态度韵律的结构与特征,但由于篇幅和时间所限,本文对于态度单位的分析未涉及语音层,但笔者认为音位层面的态度资源不可忽视,期望在后续研究中进一步探讨。 With the gradual maturity of appraisal theory, the research on attitude rhythm has been paid more attention to by system functional linguists at home and abroad. JRMartin pointed out that the attitude rhythm is a structure in which the interpersonal meaning is embodied in the linguistic level, and it is carried out in the clan level in three ways: saturation, intensification and domina-tion. However, The characteristics of the class-level attitude rhythm are not described in detail. In view of this, this article attempts to explore the structure and characteristics of the attitude rhythm at the genre level. Through the analysis, this paper argues that the attitude rhythm has the integral characteristic. First of all, as a whole system, attitude rhythm is divided into three levels: goal, mode and structure. Secondly, the goals vary according to different linguistic categories. The patterns are divided into dispersion, wave and scalar, while the hierarchies of the hierarchy are the attitude stage, the attitude phase and the attitude unit. Finally, the system’s internal causal force and the causal force together to form a dynamic balance of the rhythm of the attitude. However, due to the limitation of space and time, the analysis of attitude units does not involve the voice layer, but I think the attitude resources at the phonemic level can not be ignored, and the hope is that follow-up Further study in the study.
目的 通过对妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)孕妇及其子代过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体啦(PPARG2)基因的Pro12Ala单核苷酸多态性(SNP)差异分析,探讨母胎基因差异与GDM发病的关系.方法 选择2