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上海文艺出版社于1995年12月隆重推出的空前规模的《中华民族故事大系》,全书16卷,1200万字,精选我国各民族优秀故事作品,并配有有关照片和概况介绍,图文并茂,个性鲜明。 我国各民族包括汉族和55个少数民族,数量浩瀚、绚丽多彩、富有民族特色的民间故事,既富有思想意义,又具有很高的艺术欣赏价值。为了使这宗世代口头相传的文化财富通过妥善的整理和系统的选编,成为精粹的读物,以利于长期的保存、阅读和应用,上海文艺出版社于1980年前后,多次派出编辑人员先后去云南、内蒙古、广西、广东、四川、贵州、湖南、湖北、浙江、福建、辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、青海、甘肃、新疆等省市,深入各地县文化馆等基层部门,向各地民族文化工作者广泛开展组稿工作。 从1980年左右开始,直到1995年全面推出整套16卷《中华民族故事大系》,历时15年之久。由于有些民族民间文学的发掘工作开展较晚,搜集工作难度较大,现有的材料很难反映全面而实际的情况;有的负责地区性民间故事编选工作的人员兼职较多,难以按时完成编选任务;加上出版社的编辑力量不足,经济上赔钱较多,使出版社一度陷于困境。但是,为了这个我国民族文化和精神文明的重大建设,出版社从领导到编辑、出版部门,都将这套丛书放在十分重要的地位,列为重点工程之一, Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House in December 1995 grand launch of the unprecedented scale, “the story of the Chinese nation,” the book 16 volumes, 12 million words, the selection of outstanding ethnic Chinese national story works, and with photos and profiles, illustrated, illustrated, Distinctive personality. All ethnic groups in our country, including the Han nationality and 55 ethnic minorities, have vast numbers of colorful, ethnic folktales full of ideological significance as well as high art appreciation value. In order to ensure that the cultural wealth verbally passed from generation to generation is properly compiled and systematically selected as the essence of reading materials in order to facilitate long-term preservation, reading and application, the Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House sent editors many times around 1980 Yunnan, Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Guangdong, Sichuan, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei, Zhejiang, Fujian, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Qinghai, Gansu and Xinjiang and other provinces and municipalities in-depth county cultural centers and other grassroots units to all localities and cultural workers Conduct team work. Starting from around 1980, it was 15 years long before the full set of 16 volumes of the “grand story of the Chinese nation” was launched in 1995. Due to the late start of some national folk literature excavations and the difficulty of collection work, the existing materials hardly reflect the actual situation. Some of the personnel responsible for regional folk story compilation have more part-time jobs and it is difficult to complete the compilation on time Task; coupled with the lack of editing power of publishing houses, economically losing more money, making the publishing house was in trouble. However, for the great construction of our national culture and spiritual civilization, the publishing house, from its leadership to the editorial and publishing departments, has put this series of books in a very important position and is listed as one of the key projects.
对老年病中需要从心身医学方面探讨的一般的临床症状阐述如下。 老人多见的性格特性 一、疑病 易注意某一症状且甚固执。 二、自我中心性 难以转变的很少为他人着想的固执主
爱,就是人与万物的神圣约定;当我们相爱了,就触摸到了永恒的衣角。  一个真实的故事,有一对年轻而执着的恋人,相识于共同喜爱的户外运动中。他俩约定好了,在结伴攀登过第六座高峰之后,就举行婚礼。  然而,就在他俩攀登第六座高峰时,意外地遇上了暴风雪。在漫无天际的风雪里,他俩迷失了方向。女孩在翻崖时,误踩到一处松散的积雪上,身子一时失去了重心,滑下了深崖。幸亏他俩的身上互绑着一根绳子,她才不至于直坠入崖
本文采用溶血空斑(PFC)和血凝(HA)试验探讨 Ehrlich 腹水癌(EAC)带瘤鼠在不同程度胸腺萎缩时对胸腺依赖性抗原(TDA)的反应性。发现接种 EAC后,抗体形成细胞数量和血清抗体效
鼻咽癌是我国南方、东南亚国家以及非洲某些地区的常见肿瘤。由于其病因与EB病毒和遗传因素有关,在肿瘤研究中受到特别重视。自从用淋巴细胞杂交瘤技术制备单 Nasopharynge