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李鹏总理在《政府工作报告》中强调:“国有企业特别是国有大中型企业,是我国国民经济的主要支柱。在现阶段多种经济成分共同发展的格局下,国有企业是能源、交通、重要原材料和技术装备的主要提供者,也是国家财政收入的主要来源,在国民经济中占有举足轻重的地位,为国民经济发展和改革开放做出了重大贡献”。有资料显示:近年来国有企业在产值比重下降的情况下实现利税却占全部工业企业的66%,固定资产净值占全部工业企业的75%。全国500家最大工业企业,资产占国有工业企业总资产37%,销售收入占46%,实现利润占63%。因此,在经济改革继续深化的今天,国有企业特别是国有大中型企业,仍然是加快国民经济发展的骨干力量、是改革深入发展的重点、就是我们应唱好的改革重头戏。 现在部分国有企业缺乏活力,历史包袱和社会负担沉重,设备陈旧,技术落后,管理不善,结构调整缓慢,生产经营比较困难,这是事实。然而,只要唱好国有企业在深化改革中的重头戏,依然是前途光明。随着社会主义市场经济体制逐步建立和宏观管理体制的转变,国有企业就会成为出笼虎、睡醒狮。 In his “Report on the Work of the Government,” Premier Li Peng emphasized: “State-owned enterprises, especially state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises, are the main pillars of our national economy. Under the framework of common development of various economic sectors at this stage, state-owned enterprises are energy, transportation and important The main provider of raw materials and technical equipment is also the main source of national financial revenue, which plays a decisive role in the national economy and has made a significant contribution to the national economic development and the reform and opening up. ” Statistics show that: in recent years, state-owned enterprises have realized profits and taxes accounting for 66% of all industrial enterprises with a declining proportion of output value, accounting for 75% of the total industrial enterprises. The country’s 500 largest industrial enterprises accounted for 37% of the total assets of state-owned industrial enterprises, 46% of sales revenue and 63% of profits. Therefore, at the deepening of economic reforms, state-owned enterprises, especially state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises, are still the backbone forces for speeding up the development of the national economy. They are the focus of reform and deepening our development and are the highlight of the reforms we should sing. Now it is a fact that some state-owned enterprises are lack of vitality, heavy burden of history and heavy social burden, old equipment, backward technology, poor management, slow structural adjustment and relatively difficult production and management. However, it remains a bright future as long as the highlight of state-owned enterprises in deepening reform is singled out. With the gradual establishment of a socialist market economic system and the transformation of a macro-management system, state-owned enterprises will become tigers and sleep lions.
一、听说领先 ,即听说是一切语言活动的基础近年来 ,随着经济的飞速发展 ,社会对大学英语的教学已提出了更高的要求 ,要求学生具有听、说、读、写、译的综合技能。根据美国保