近年来,肺结核病有蔓延趋势。我们抽取2000年3月―2002年3月收治入院确诊为肺结核病的海洛因依赖者的资料进行调查、分析,现总结如下: 1 一般资料 1.1 病例选择 168例海洛因依赖者符合DSM–Ⅲ–R对精神活性物质依赖的诊断标准。入院常规胸透、胸部X线片、临床体征确诊。 1.2
In recent years, tuberculosis has a tendency to spread. We collected from March 2000 to March 2002 admitted to hospital diagnosed as heroin addicts of tuberculosis were investigated and analyzed, are summarized as follows: 1 General Information 1.1 Case Selection 168 cases of heroin addicts in line with the DSM-Ⅲ-R pairs Diagnostic criteria for psychoactive substance dependence. Regular chest radiography, chest X-ray, clinical signs confirmed. 1.2