Optimal filtering for uncertain systems with stochastic nonlinearities, correlated noises and missin

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lislin
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The globally optimal recursive filtering problem is studied for a class of systems with random parameter matrices,stochastic nonlinearities, correlated noises and missing measurements. The stochastic nonlinearities are presented in the system model to reflect multiplicative random disturbances, and the additive noises, process noise and measurement noise, are assumed to be one-step autocorrelated as well as two-step cross-correlated.A series of random variables is introduced as the missing rates governing the intermittent measurement losses caused by unfavorable network conditions. The aim of the addressed filtering problem is to design an optimal recursive filter for the uncertain systems based on an innovation approach such that the filtering error is globally minimized at each sampling time. A numerical simulation example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed algorithm. The globally optimal recursive filtering problem is studied for a class of systems with random parameter matrices, stochastic nonlinearities, correlated noises and missing measurements. The stochastic nonlinearities are presented in the system model to reflect multiplicative random disturbances, and the additive noises, process noise and measurement noise, are assumed to be one-step autocorrelated as well as two-step cross-correlated. A series of random variables is introduced as the missing rates governing the intermittent measurement signals caused by unfavorable network conditions. The aim of the addressed filtering problem is to design an optimal recursive filter for the uncertain systems based on an innovation approach such that the filtering error is globally minimized at each sampling time. A numerical simulation example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed algorithm.
一、 注重时事教学,激发学生求知欲    许多学生课下聊天,提起布什、伊拉克战争津津乐道,可是一旦上了政治课却无精打采哈欠连天。我认为造成这种情况的原因是教师过于注重理论传授,忽视了以时事新闻中的生动事例来提高学生的兴趣。现在中考、高考或平时教学测试中,很多考题都会设置一些情景材料,而这些情景材料很大一部分又来自时事政治,所以教师在平时的教学中,应注意把丰富生动的时事事例和教材结合起来,这样既可以
摘要:本文强调学生的学习兴趣对改变目前普遍存在的学生对语文学习不感兴趣的现状至关重要,并从多年的教学实践中确立“大语文”观入手,从民主、平等的教学相长,营造和谐课堂氛围;采取灵活多样的教学手段调动学生“乐学”的欲望;讲究授讲艺术,科学运用教学技巧;广泛开展课外阅读,接受更多熏陶以提高审美能力等方面来培养学生的学习兴趣。  关键词:培养学习兴趣 语文教学运用    如何激发、培养学生的学习兴趣,是个