
来源 :The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hysywlp2007
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Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate progression of hepatic hyperperfusion disorders revealed during follow-up contrast material-enhanced multi-slice spiral computed tomography(MSCT) scan of digestive system neoplasm. Methods: Three-phase contrast material-enhanced MSCT were performed during the follow-up in patients with digestive system malignant tumor confirmed histologically. The progression of hepatic hyperperfusion disorders revealed on contrast material-enhanced CT image were investigated at the 2 years follow-up with approximately 6 months interval. Results: The hepatic hyperperfusion disorders were showed in 39 patients on follow-up contrast material-enhanced MSCT scans. Among the 39 patients, initial hyperperfusion disorders were revealed in 6(15.38%), 26(66.67%), and 7(17.95%) patients in 6, 12, and 18 months during follow-up respectively. The initial hyperperfusion disorders revealed in 12 months were more frequent than those revealed in 6 months(χ2 = 14.82, P < 0.05) and 18 months(χ2 = 15.02, P < 0.05). Among the 39 patients, the hyperperfusion disorders progressed into liver metastasis based on typical CT findings in 37(94.87%) patients, and were not obvious changes in 2(5.13%) patients. Among the 37 patients, the hyperperfusion disorders progressed into metastasis in 10(25.64%) patients in 6 months after the hyperperfusion disorders were revealed, and in 27(69.23%) patients in 12 months. The hyperperfusion disorders developing into metastasis were more in 12 months than those in 6 months(χ2 = 14.98, P < 0.05). Conclusion: Most hepatic hyperperfusion disorders revealed at the follow-up of digestive system neoplasm may be early manifestations of liver metastasis. The careful follow-up of hepatic hyperperfusion disorders is necessary. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate progression of hepatic hyperperfusion disorders revealed follow-up contrast material-enhanced multi-slice spiral computed tomography (MSCT) scan of digestive system neoplasm. Methods: Three-phase contrast material-enhanced MSCT were performed during the follow-up in patients with digestive system malignant tumor confirmed histologically. The progression of hepatic hyperperfusion disorders revealed on contrast material-enhanced CT images were investigated at the 2 years follow-up with approximately 6 months interval. Results: The hepatic hyperperfusion Disorders were showed in 39 patients on follow-up contrast material-enhanced MSCT scans. Among the 39 patients, initial hyperperfusion disorders were revealed in 6 (15.38%), 26 (66.67%), and 7 12, and 18 months during follow-up respectively. The initial hyperperfusion disorders revealed in 12 months were more frequent than those revealed in 6 months (χ2 = 14.82, Among the 39 patients, the hyperperfusion disorders progressed into liver metastasis based on typical CT findings in 37 (94.87%) patients, and were not obvious changes in in 2 (P <0.05) and 18 months (χ2 = 15.02, Among the 37 patients, the hyperperfusion disorders progressed into metastasis in 10 (25.64%) patients in 6 months after the hyperperfusion disorders were revealed, and in 27 (69.23%) patients in 12 months. Mostly hepatic hyperperfusion disorders revealed at the follow-up of digestive system neoplasm may be early manifestations of liver metastasis. The careful follow-up of hepatic hyperperfusion disorders is necessary.
语文课程应该是开放而富有创新活力的,“一切为了学生,为了每一位学生的发展”,为此新课程下的课堂教学,既要师生互动起来,又要提高课堂教学的实效性。而怎样提高课堂的实效,则成为每位教师必须研究的首要问题。  让不同层次的学生在40分钟的课堂上有不同的收益,让课堂真正成为学生学的主阵地,学生参与课堂活动的态度和程度决定了课堂实效,做为教师,要提高课堂教学的实效性,就是要实现学生在课堂上思维总量的最大化。
摘 要:在河北省部分高校开展了90后大学生思想道德状况调研。调查结果表明,90后大学生的思想道德主流是积极、健康、向上,但也不乏存在一些问题。在分析问题产生原因的基础上,提出相关解决对策,以期对 90后大学生道德素质水平提高提供一定的借鉴。  关键词:“90后”大学生; 思想道德;对策A  本文主要采取調查问卷的方式,对河北省部分高校的90后大学生思想道德状况进行了广泛深入的调查研究。本次调查共回
摘 要:随着我国职业教育工作的飞速发展,大量高職学生高中阶段的数学基础较差,没有养成良好的学习习惯,给高职阶段的课堂教学带来了很大的困难,作为一名高职数学教师,如何帮助学生克服畏惧心理,树立学好数学的信心,激发学生的求知欲,如何在数学课堂中提高教学效果,促使学生数学能力和素质的提高,是高职数学教师亟待解决的问题。  关键词:高职数学;教学方法;优化设计  培养社会急需的高技能应用型人才是高职院校的
摘 要:“3+小综合”高考的理综测试以能力测试为主导,重点考查学运用多学科知识分析和解决实际问题的能力,以利于对学生创新意识和实践能力的培养。学习的目标与高考理综测试的目标是一致的,最终都是为了实现人的全面发展,素质教育是它们的共同落脚点。主动学习从方式上为素质教育的实施提供了支持,也为“3+小综合”高考中的理综测试奠定了基础,并为高考“理综”测试目标的导向性提供了验证。作为理综合科之一的生物科理
Abstract: A Rose for Emily is one of the most representative short novels written by American writer—William Faulkner, which immediately aroused interest in readers owing to its suspense and a strikin
摘 要:为儿童创造开放的教学空间,让学生在美术学习中寻找快乐、体验快乐、获得快乐;绘画是每个孩子抒发自己情感最直接的途径之一,美术课是孩子们感情交流的重要场所;让学生在美术课堂中感受快乐是培养孩子审美能力、想象能力、体验成功的关键。  关键词:情感交流;和谐愉快;生动活泼;自由评价  如何在现代教育理念指导下,开发课堂教学的生命潜力,创造充满活力的课堂教学实践?近年来,我们以“自主探究教学方式”的
摘 要:英语课程教学在注重文本知识的前提下,要注重学生学习的过程和方法,特别是提高学生学习英语的主动性和积极性,促进学生英语基础知识和技能形成,就是要在学生发挥学习英语主体作用的基础上,运用多种形式的教学方式方法,培养学生英语能力和思维。  关键词:教学模式;课堂教学;兴趣  任何的教育改革都应当首先是教育理念的变革,优化课堂教学是课程改革的突破口。骨子里根深蒂固的东西没有变,任你如何在操作层面上
摘 要:物流金融作为一种全新的物流融资模式在经济实践过程中迅速发展并引起学术界广泛的关注。本文通过回顾物流金融的发展历程,归纳了这一领域的理论成果,并对其核心思想进行提炼,从理论研究与实践应用研究的角度系统反应我国物流金融研究的发展现状。最后在总结前人研究成果的基础上,对我国物流金融研究的发展方向进行展望。  关键词:物流金融;融通仓;文献综述  随着中国经济的迅猛发展,近年来,中国与世界各国的资
江泽民总书记指出:“创造是一个名族的灵魂”。国家科委已颁布科技创新的规划,在只是经济大潮中,培养培养创造性人才已成为教育界的一個热点。此时此刻,人们感到创新教育的重要性,并热切呼唤着培养创造性人才的教育。  一、提高学习动机的水平  “学习动机”是由学者对学习对象的兴趣、愿望、需要而引起的。强化学习动机的心里教育是提高是提高学习质量的重要途径。  1.是自发兴趣水平提高到求知得到高度:在评讲《狐假
摘 要:阅读是学习语文知识的重要途径和手段,阅读存在于我们生活的方方面面,我们的生活离不开阅读。初中语文教学中,阅读一直是我们强调的重点,阅读可以有效的幫助我们学习语文知识,也可以提高我们的知识底蕴,同时也可以扩展我们的视野。在我们调查之后发现目前初中语文阅读教学存在一些问题制约着阅读效率的提高。本文就是我对初中语文阅读教学困境的分析,以及我个人对此提出的相关对策,希望可以起到抛砖引玉的作用。