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1994年中国包装技术协会秘书长工作会议,于1月10日至14日在广西壮族自治区桂林市召开。会议的主要议题是:进一步贯彻落实党的十四届三中全会精神,深入研究在改革开放及市场经济条件下,搞好包装行业管理及服务工作,总结交流经验,以适应新的形势的迅猛发展。来自25个省、市、自治区和8个计划单列市的地方包协,以及中国包协下设的11个专业委员会、联合会、分会等单位的70名代表,出席了会议。中国包装技 In 1994, China Packaging Technology Association secretary general working meeting was held in Guilin, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region from January 10 to January 14. The main topics of the conference are: To further implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, study in depth the management and service work of the packaging industry under the conditions of reform, opening up and the market economy, sum up experiences in exchange and swiftly adapt to the new situation development of. 70 local representatives from 25 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions and 8 cities with separate cities under planning as well as 70 representatives from 11 professional committees, unions, clubs and other units set up under the China Association for the Sub-contractual Agreement were present at the meeting. China packaging technology
[本刊讯] 3月12日,中国编辑学会召集部分对编辑学研究有素的同志在京开了一个“编辑学学术交流座谈会”,就图书、报纸、期刊、音像、广播、影视和电子出版物等多种媒体编辑活动的共
(专利申请号:93224981.7) 多相底集体曝光晒相台板是一种快速晒相用具,它在不透光平板上开设长方形曝光 (Patent application number: 93224981.7) multi-phase bottom col
2000年6月30日 ,在中国出版科研所召开了“8848杯网络与出版发行知识竞赛”组委会第一次会议。组委会主任宋木文、副主任张伯海、石峰、宋镇铃、谢明清、余敏、徐家祥等出席了会议。出席
本刊1994年第12期刊发《读者意见调查表》后,近期收到一批热心读者的反馈意见,摘编如下: After we published the “Reader’s Opinion Questionnaire” in the 12th issue
【本刊讯】  10月 17日 ,《2 1世纪学科发展丛书》(测绘卷 )编委会在中国地图出版社举行。国家测绘局副局长杨凯担任该书编委会主任 ,中国测绘学会秘书长冯孟华、中国地图出
Cerebrovascular accident(CVA)or stroke is one of the world’s leading causes of death and permanent disability.The high social and medical costs associated with
1.上海+房地产广告=? 上海是个极为独特极为敏感的城市,从近代的租界文化发展到如今的海派小资,皆彰显着强烈的地方特色。她以特殊的城市文化海纳百川,建立在上海悠久的历史