
来源 :艺术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suncj007
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一、关于艺术设计教育与管理的认识近代的中国艺术设计(工艺美术)教育只有百来年的历史,而且在发展中受到政治、战争等多方面影响,发展情况并不好。在改革开放以后,才得到了从未有过的发展机遇,几乎有艺术专业的学校都有该专业,招生人数越来越多,热门的艺术设计专业如装潢、平面设计方向,更是“高烧不退”。高校的设计专业肩负了把精神层面转化为精神与物质兼有的最终物化的形式,这是设计专业的实用与审美教育相结合的性质所决定的。由于笔者长期在理工高校从事艺术设计教育与管理工作,这里主要谈谈关于对管理的认识问题。首先,管理不是目的而是手段,需要重视管理的作用。具体在设计教育方面来说,既是为了实现教育培养目标而采取的措施,也是为了维持教学任务与日常教学活动的正常运转手段。可以说,好的教学计划与办学方针,如果没有好的管理,其效果是可想而知的。其次,管理分为多方面,但是首先要为实现自己的办学目标而管理。对办学者与管理者来说,也应该像其他领域一样具有全球的视野与眼光。限于篇幅,这里笔者只谈教师与学生两个方面。 First, the understanding of art design education and management Modern Chinese art design (arts and crafts) education only a hundred years of history, but also in the development of political, war and other aspects of influence, the development is not good. After the reform and opening up, we have never seen any opportunities for development. Almost all the art majors have the majors and more and more students are enrolled. Popular art and design professionals such as decorating and graphic design are even more likely to experience “high fever Not refundable ”. The design major in colleges and universities shoulders the ultimate form of materialization, which transforms the spiritual aspect into the spiritual and the material substance, which is determined by the nature of the combination of practical and aesthetic education of design major. As I have long been engaged in art and design colleges and universities in education and management, mainly to talk about the understanding of management issues. First of all, management is not an end but a means, and management needs to be emphasized. Specifically in terms of design education, it is not only a measure taken to achieve the goal of education and training, but also a means to maintain the normal operation of teaching tasks and daily teaching activities. It can be said that a good teaching plan and school policy, without good management, the effect can be imagined. Second, management is divided into many aspects, but first of all, to achieve their own goals and management. For academics and managers, they should have the same global perspective and vision as other fields. Due to space limitations, the author here only talk about teachers and students in two aspects.
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