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   25.— The window is dirty.
   —I know. It _____ for weeks.(全国卷III)
   A. hasn’t cleanedB. didn’t clean
   C. wasn’t cleanedD. hasn’t been cleaned
   27. The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics _____ by 2006.
   A.has been completed
   B.has completed
   C.will have been completed
   D.will have completed
   29. The first use of atomic weapons was in 1945. and their power ______ increased enormously ever since.(上海卷)
   A. is B. was
   C. has beenD. had been
   上述三道题均是对时态和语态基本运用的考查,25,29题对现在完成时主被动基本意义的考查。我们知道,现在完成时两个最基本的用法是:表示对现在的影响或结果;动作从过去开始持续到现在。从for weeks、ever since入手,兼顾主被动的区分,不难选出正确答案D、C。27题考查将来完成时的基本用法:表示动作在将来之前完成。2006表将来的时间,by表“在…前”,再根据主被动关系,选出答案C。
   25.—Has Sam finished his homework today?
   — I have no idea. He____ it this morning.
   A. did B. has done
   C. was doingD. had done
   25. Now that she is out of a job, Lucy _____ going back to school, but she hasn’t decided yet.
   A.had considered
   B. has been considering
   C. considered
   D. is going to consider
   28. —What were you doing when Tony phoned you ?
  —I had just finished my work and to take a shower.(天津卷)
   A. had started B. started
   C. have started D. was starting
   上述三题均要从情景理解入手,把握上下文的内涵,全国卷和北京卷的设题思路基本一样,I have no idea、but she hasn’t decided yet是解题的关键,既然“不知道Sam完成”,那就说明他早上还在做;同样,既然“她还没有决定”,那就说明她一直在考虑,有了正确的理解,就很容易选出答案C、B。天津卷此题首先要从时间范畴上入手,排除C,然后根据情景“我刚完成工作要去洗澡时Tony给我打电话来了”,由于趋向动词的进行时可表将来,由此选定答案D。
   25.Turnon the television or open a magazine and you ______advertisements showing happy families(湖南)
   A. will often see B. often see
   C. are often seeing D. have often seen
   34.Sales of CDs have greatly increased since the early 1990s, when people _____to enjoy the advantages of this new technology.(江苏)
   A. begin B. began
   C. have begun D. had begun
   湖南卷此题考查句型:“祈使句+and/or/then…+将来时”的用法,所以选A;而江苏卷考查主从句中时态的一致和运用,结合题义“the early 1990s”为其后定语从句的先行词,在此期间人们开始享受CD新技术的好处,动作发生在过去,选出答案B。
   It is said in the book _____ that ThomasEdison (1847-1931)the world leading inventor for sixty years .
   A.would beB.has beenC.had beenD.was
   1. Let' s keep to the point or we _______ any decisions.(04全国卷I)
   A. will never reach B. have never reached
   C. never reach D. never reached
   2. —You were out when I dropped in at your house.
   —Oh ,I_______ for a friend from England at the airport.(04福建卷)
   A.was waiting B.had waited
   C.am waiting D.have waited
   3.My mind wasn' t on what he was saying so I' m afraidI ______ half of it.(04全国卷I)
   A. was missing B. had missed
   C. will miss D. missed
   4. I ______ you not to move my dictionary, now I can' t find it.(04全国卷II)
   A. asked B. ask
   C. was asking D. had asked
   5.—What’s that terrible noise?
   —The neighbors _______ for a party.
   A. have prepared B. are preparing
   C. prepare D. will prepare
   6.—Hey. Look where you are going!
   —Oh, I’m terribly sorry. ________.(99全国卷)
   A. I’m not noticingB. I wasn’t noticing
   C. I haven’t noticed D. I don’t notice
   7.—You’ve left the light on.
   —Oh, so I have. ____and turn it off.(00全国卷)
   A. I’ll go B. I’ve gone
   C. I go D. I’m going
   8.The crazy fans ____ patiently for two hours and they would wait till the movie stararrived.(04重庆卷)
   A.were waiting B. had been waiting
   C .had waited D. would wait
   9.I wonder why Jenny ________us recently. We should have heard from her by now.(02全国卷)
   A. hasn’t written B. doesn’t write
   C. won’t write D. hadn’t written
   10.She _____ her hairstyle in her hometown before she came to Chongqing for a betterjob.
   A. would change B. has changed
   C. changed D. was changing
   11.— I hear Jane has gone to the Holy Island for her holiday.
   — Oh, how nice! Do you know when she ______ ?(04湖南卷)
   A. was leaving B. had left
   C. has left D. left
   12.More patients ___________ in hospital this year than last year.(04江苏卷)
   A. treated B. have treated
   C. had been treated D. have been treated
   13.He kept looking at her , wondering whether he ____her somewhere .(04湖北卷)
   A.saw B.has seen C.sees D.had seen
   14.—George and Lucy got married last week . Did you go to their wedding ?
   —No , I_______. Did they have a big wedding ?(04湖北卷)
   A.was not invited B.have not been invited
   C.hadn’t been invited D.didn’t invite
   15.I thought Jim would say something about his school report, but he ________.(03上海卷)
   A. doesn’t mention B. hadn’t mentioned
   C. didn’t mention D. hasn’t mentioned
主持词:  这是够青春、够给力的文章大集合,你可看到风格多样、精彩纷呈的好作品。这里不预设任何门槛,本着“不放过任何好的作品,不放过任何好的作者”原则,只要是本人原创,未在正式媒体发表过的文章均可投稿,地址是gmksreader@126.com。  也许这个小小的舞台,将是你一生辉煌的起点。生命在于运动,心动不如行动。热爱写作的你,还在等什么呢?  我的生活比不上杨贵妃那般富贵的金黄色,也没有林徽
seem,appear和look的用法比较重要,而且又难以区分,请仔细加以区别。  一、用seem和appear的句型:   1、It seems /appears(to sb.)+ that-clause   It seems /appears to me that they are right.我觉得他们似乎是正确的。   It seemed /appeared that he enjoyed
选文二  丁亥之秋,有名江南娇者,乘云御风,自江南北行,做探奇之旅。渐行渐远,景物凄惶,思绪无缰。晴空鸟瞰,丘壑如肠,绿意稀缺,一片昏黄。正昏昏欲睡之时,忽见大块绿洲,似珍珠闪光。西有峻岭敞怀拥抱,东有长河缠绕滋养。此何地也?江南娇好奇之心复萌,探奇之心顿生,乃翩然徐降。但见湖泊相连,沟渠纵横,沃野无疆,稻浪翻滚,鱼虾戏水,硕果盈枝,竟不知身在何处,顿生疑虑:“此景只我家乡有,此地如何似故乡?” 
1.读下面一段材料,概括2012年国庆长假高速公路堵车的原因。(50字以内)  有人认为,2012年国庆长假高速公路大堵车是因为人们争相占免费政策的便宜,这其实是误解。节假日高速公路堵车,之前就有,而并非免费后才有的景象;出现车流扎堆儿,肯定有受免费诱惑的,但更多源于信息不对称,公路管理方对此缺乏充分的高速车流信息预警。免费,不只是免通行费的问题,而是为了消除收费站这个关键的堵点,以免费放行减少时
The whole world is full of magic colors, which stand for success, harm, warmth, cold and so on. Everything has its own special color, just like China, a country full of colors.  If we say old China wa
One day in a crowded large department store, I suddenly saw a thin and pale young man slowly putting his hand into the handbag of a well-dressed woman customer who was examining the jewelry closely.  
第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)(略)  第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)  第一节单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)  从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。  21. ---Are you feeling better today?  ---________. But I still feel too weak to walk around.  
高考短文改错旨在考查考生对书面语的校验技能,即发现、判断、纠正语篇错误的能力。一般来讲,所选文段都是接近学生实际写作水平的习作,难度并不很大。但从历年考试结果来看,本题得分并不很高。究其原因,除了心理准备不足、基础知识薄弱、没有建立正确的英语语感外,对设题的特点及解题的技巧了解不够也是一个重要的失分原因。本文借助近年高考题,特别是2004年全国卷和各省市卷谈谈巧解短文改错的思路与技巧。  一、短文
2月19日,2012年度“感动中国”人物评选结果揭晓,11位“感动”人物呈现在公众眼前。他们的事迹,直接触及人们内心中最柔软的地方,着实令人感动。  @张泉灵(主持人):今年的《感动中国》审片时,蹭着看了一半,动情了。不是煽情式的催泪,柔软而力有千钧。身边的普通人,却是唤起你善和爱共鸣的人。我喜欢今年导演的创新,用隽永的诗词来记录那些好人。“何处春江无月明”用来形容一个纯美得透明的姑娘,多好。  