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CBA构想第三次革命 随着CBA的改制越来越深入,自今年实行南北分区、一周三赛以 后,下赛季有可能进一步分散比赛日,让球迷几乎做到“天天有球看”。 篮管中心在3月9日召集在京的部分媒体代表和中心的部主任座 谈,论证赛制进一步改革的可行性。会上大家对本赛季的改制给予了 一致肯定,并希望在保证比赛场数不变的情况下,把比赛日分散开, 以便让更多的比赛出现在电视上,让球迷看到更多强强对抗。 现在的一周三赛,每轮都要打七场,有一些强强对抗的重头戏会 因为重叠而无法进行电视直播。如果按会上提出的新思路进行改制, 下赛季常规赛将仍然保持现在的每队38场不变,但是会被分散到除周 一之外的六天中进行,即从周二到周日都有比赛,平均每天三到四 场,每天都会有重头戏,这种规模虽然比不上NBA,但媒体每天都有 报道,增加了比赛的曝光率,也增加了赞助商在电视上露面的机会。 同时,这将改变目前球队机械地按三、五、日的周期频繁转战的局 面,CBA将第一次拥有自己的“背靠背”比赛,也拥有更集中的休整期。 CBA conception of the third revolution with the CBA restructuring more and more in-depth since the implementation of this year’s North-South Division, three weeks a week after next season may further spread the game day, so that fans almost do On March 9, the CMC summoned some media representatives and center directors in Beijing to discuss the feasibility of further reform of the competition system. At the meeting, everyone gave a unanimous approval for the restructuring this season and hopes to disperse the match day so as to allow more matches to appear on the television and give the fans more strength confrontation. Now three games a week, each round to play seven games, there are some powerful confrontation will not overlap because of the overlap and can not live television. If the system changes according to the new ideas proposed at the meeting, the regular season will still keep the current 38 games per team unchanged next season, but will be dispersed to six days except Monday, that is, from Tuesday to Sunday have Competition, an average of three to four games a day, every day there will be a major event, although not as large as the size of the NBA, but the media coverage every day, increasing the game’s exposure, but also increased the chances of sponsors to show on television. In the meantime, this will change the current situation where the teams are fought mechanically for three, five and day periods. For the first time, CBA will have its own “back to back” competition and a more concentrated break period.
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