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当前,有两种值得引起人们关注的倾向,一种认为只有书本知识才是教育资源,一种认为只有正规上课才算真正学习。很显然,这是儿童教育的两个误区。是什么因素导致一部分幼儿家长和幼教工作者走入误区呢?我们以为主要有三个方面: 首先是社会压力。一些家长们公认办得好的小学校,为提高自身的质量和竞争力,或为了筛选掉过多的要求入校者,在孩子入学之前,先要通过测试孩子的识字和算术水平,决定是否录取。这样一来,家长们只得想方设法让孩子早识字,早计数,以求进入比较满意的小学校。 其次是传统启蒙教育的亲身体验。在众多的年轻父母和绝大多数老一代人中问,许多人没有经历过托儿所、幼儿园的学习生活,或者忘记了那一段经历,而在学校的学习生活对一般成年人来说,都是时间相当长,印象很深刻的。因此,他们认定上课、写字、读书、做算术题才是掌握文化知识的唯一途径,既然自己是这样走过来的,下一代也不能例外。 再就是缺乏幼儿身心发展规律的基本知识。学前儿童生理和心理发展是一个漫长过程,家长和幼儿教师这个大队伍中的人,并非都了 At present, there are two tendencies that deserve our attention. One is that only book knowledge is the educational resource, and the other is that only regular classes can be regarded as real learning. Obviously, this is the two errors in child education. What led to some of the factors that led to the misunderstanding of young parents and preschool teachers? We think there are three main aspects: First, social pressure. Some parents think that primary schools, which are well-run, can improve their own quality and competitiveness, or they can filter out too many requests for admission. Before they go to school, they must decide whether to admit or not by testing their children’s literacy and numeracy skills. As a result, parents have to find ways to make children literacy, early counting, in order to enter the more satisfactory primary school. Followed by the experience of traditional enlightenment education. Many young parents and the vast majority of older generations ask many people that they have not gone through a nursery or kindergarten’s life or have forgotten that experience and that their study life in school is an average adult’s time Very long, very impressive. Therefore, they believe that class, writing, reading and arithmetic are the only ways to master cultural knowledge. Since they came this way, the next generation should not be without exception. Then there is a lack of basic knowledge of children’s physical and mental development. Pre-school children’s physical and psychological development is a long process, parents and kindergarten teachers in this large group of people, not all
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