Wavelet domain denoising method based on multistage median filtering

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HanMa_1978
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There are two main problems in the threshold denoising method based on wavelet transform. One is the difficulty of threshold selection, and the other is the inconsistence of the dip and curved events in the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) seismic data after denoising. In image denoising, multistage median filtering can preserve the details of the signal. So we proposed a denoising algorithm in wavelet transform domain based on multistage median filtering. Using this method the flat region and the edge region are differentiated by the difference between the maximum mid-value and the minimum mid-value, which preserves the details, thus improves the denoising effect. The simulation data and the real data processing results reveal that this method has stronger ability in separating signal from noise than that of the threshold denoising method. There are two main problems in the threshold denoising method based on wavelet transform. One is the difficulty of threshold selection, and the other is the inconsistence of the dip and curved events in the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) seismic data after denoising. In image denoising, multistage median filtering can preserve the details of the signal. So we proposed a denoising algorithm in wavelet transform domain based on multistage median filtering. Using this method the flat region and the edge regions are differentiated by the difference between the maximum mid-value and the minimum mid-value, which preserves the details, thereby improves the denoising effect. The simulation data and the real data processing results reveal that this method has stronger ability in separating signal from noise than that of the threshold denoising method .
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摘要:“学困生”是一个相对的弱势群体,他们的类型影响着他们与教师的沟通,使得他们在沟通的过程中呈现出一系列的问题。论文就初中教师与“学困生”的沟通障碍进行了初步探索并提出了相关对策,力图为教师与“学困生”的沟通提出可行性的建议。  关键词:“学困生”;沟通障碍;对策  【中图分类号】G632.0  从师尊生卑到师生平等再到师卑生傲,教师的地位发生了翻天覆地的变化,教师被学生们赋予了“巫婆”“老邪”
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【摘 要】3-6岁,是幼儿发育的黄金时期,也是孩子一生中智力发展最迅速的时期。这一时期的幼儿思维活跃,具有丰富的想象力。而手工制作这一幼儿园经常开展的活动,有助于幼儿创新思维能力的提升,幼儿在实践操作中不仅增强了动手能力,而且还在某种程度上开发了儿童的脑力。文章简要分析了幼儿园手工制作活动开展的现状,重点阐述了手工制作中幼儿创新思维能力培养的具体实施策略。  【关键词】 手工制作活动;幼儿;创新;