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2005年12月8日下午,美林基业集团在美林家居世博园国际馆(A馆)隆重举行全球品牌加盟仪式,国内外家具行业精英及社会各界人士500多人齐聚一堂,共同见证全球家居品牌加盟家居世博园,了解家居世博园的建设规划和运营计划。美林基业集团董事长刘远炳、集团副总裁罗国坚、广州市房地产业协会会长陈敦林、广州市经济贸易委员会王华俊副主任等嘉宾出席大会并致贺词。据悉,家居世博园处于政府规划中的东部新经济圈的重点发展地带,这个项目的开发及正式投入运营,对于促进广州大型商贸流通产业集群的发展,促进天河东部商圈的繁荣,将具有重要的推动作用。 On the afternoon of December 8, 2005, Merrill Lynch Group solemnly held a global brand joining ceremony at the Merrill Lynch International Expo Center (Hall A). More than 500 domestic and international furniture industry elites and people from all walks of life gathered to witness the global Home brands to join home Expo, understand the home Expo construction planning and operating plan. Liu Yuanbing, chairman of Merrill Lynch Foundation Group, Luo Guojian, vice president of the Group, Chen Dunlin, president of Guangzhou Real Estate Association, and Wang Huajun, deputy director of Guangzhou Economic and Trade Commission, attended the meeting and delivered greetings. It is reported that the Expo is in the government planning the new development of the eastern part of the economic zone, the development of this project and formally put into operation, to promote the development of large-scale commercial circulation of industrial clusters in Guangzhou and promote the prosperity of the eastern district of the Milky Way will be important The role of promotion.
与儿童相关的戏剧演出活动在中国有着漫长的历史;近年来的儿童戏剧发展有亮点,也存在着一些问题。文章对此作了简要分析。 Children-related theater performances have a l
多年来,她坚守三尺岗台,千方百计为群众排忧解难,把党和政府的温暖送上每一位居民的心头。 Over the years, she has adhered to the three feet Gangtai, do everything po
配备火箭发动机的消防车早在东西德统一之前 ,东德就有人提出利用火箭发动机灭火的设想。十多年前 ,在东德有人把报废的米格歼击机上的涡轮机安装到坦克上 ,使涡轮机喷嘴喷水
高季川,男,1964年生,中共党员,安庆市蟹王水产养殖有限公司董事长。2005年获全国农经产业领军企业家称号。2006年被评为安庆市农产品品牌先进工作者。 High season, male, b
STA— GAM/FJA遥控声响防劫报警器,既能同住宅、保险柜等报警器配套,弥补了住宅、保险柜无声通过电话异地报警,而无现场声响报警的弊端,也可单独自成一体,无需电话联网,利用门磁和