Dianjiang County, using self-financing, self-financing technology and self-raising materials approach, the development of shallow natural gas, increased energy supply and convenience of people’s lives. Now Mianjiang County has 54 factories, mines and enterprises, and 1,420 residents use natural gas. The county lacks fuel all year round and needs to transfer a large amount of coal every year from the rest of the country. The beginning of winter 1981, Dianjiang County Committee, the county government determined to develop the county is rich in shallow natural gas resources. They raised loans of 590,000 yuan from bank trusts, bought back the materials for natural gas development and drew out knowledgeable technical staff from the relevant units. Sichuan Petroleum Administration Third Oil Field Construction Brigade also strongly support. Less than two years to install the gas pipeline. By January 1984, the county had set seven shallow gas wells and a daily gas output of 80 million cubic meters. According to user needs, daily gas transmission capacity of 40,000 cubic meters, greatly easing the energy tension in the county conflict.