加强监督检查 全力打造阳光工程

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中央做出开展工程建设领域突出问题专项治理和扩大内需促进经济增长政策落实监督检查的重大决策和部署以来,自治区按照有关要求,紧密结合实际,把扩大内需监督检查和深入排查工程领域突出问题作为当前工作的重中之重,以排查工作责任制为抓手,按照建设单位查项目、政府部门查监管、治工专办查落实的方式,切实加强领导,精心组织部署,坚持查纠并举,初步形成了政府主导、部门主抓、纪检监察机关主推的工作 Since the central government made major decisions and made arrangements for conducting special inspections on outstanding problems in the field of engineering construction and on supervising and inspecting the implementation of policies to expand domestic demand and promote economic growth, the autonomous region, in accordance with the relevant requirements and in close connection with the actual situation, regarded the outstanding problems in expanding supervision and inspection of domestic demand and in-depth investigation of construction projects as At present, we should conscientiously strengthen leadership and careful organization and deployment in the light of checking the work responsibility system in accordance with the check-up items of construction units, the investigation and supervision of government departments and the implementation of labor-management work. Initially formed a government-led, departmental grasping, discipline inspection and supervision organs of the main push work
为科学评价儿童生长发育营养状况及存储新生儿基本信息,我们研制了儿童保健激光卡计算机应用软件,试运行效果良好。 To scientifically evaluate the nutritional status o
青海玉树,美丽的康巴之乡。这里有峻峭巍峨的雪山、纯洁无瑕的雪莲,还有可可西里温驯的羊群摇着一声声的藏铃……玉树人民就在这风光醉人的三江源之乡繁衍生息。 2010年4月1
APEX 20系列将该公司原有系列产品ELEX 10K和FLEX 6000器件的查找表(look-up table-LUT)逻辑、MAX 7000器件的乘积项(product term)逻辑和FLEX 10K器件的增强型嵌入式存储块