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存储卡是数码相机最不可或缺的配件之一,因为几乎所有的数码相机都是使用存储卡来存储照片的。消费级数码相机可能还内置16MB或32MB的内存,尽管这么小的容量显得杯水车薪,而数码单反相机则不内置内存,所以没有存储卡,数码单反相机也就失去了用武之地。存储卡市场发展到今天已经相当的成熟,且随着产品的普及和国际市场内存颗粒价格的不断走低,存储卡的价格也一落再落,与之相反的是存储卡的容量越来越大,速度也越来越快。不过,对商家来说,因为数码相机的价格越来越透明,所以往往会通过存储卡等配件变相赚取利润,他们往往会通过提高价格、以次充好、低速卡冒充高速卡等手段,骗消费者上当。面对五花八门、品种繁多的存储卡市场,刚刚涉足数码相机的读者难免迷惘。购买何种类型的存储卡?需要购买多大容量的卡?购买低速卡还是高速卡?希望通过笔者的这篇文章,能让读者对存储卡有更深入的了解。 Memory card is one of the most essential accessories for digital cameras, because almost all digital cameras use a memory card to store photos. Consumer-grade digital cameras may also have built-in 16MB or 32MB of memory, although such a small capacity is a drop in the bucket, and digital SLR cameras do not have built-in memory, so no memory card, digital SLR camera also lost its useless. Memory card market has developed quite mature today, and with the popularity of the product and the international market price of memory particles continue to decline, the price of memory cards have fallen back and forth, on the contrary, the capacity of the memory card is getting bigger and bigger , Faster and faster. However, for businesses, because the price of digital cameras is becoming more and more transparent, they often make profits in disguise through memory cards and other accessories. They often resort to means of increasing prices, shoddy cards and low-speed cards as high-speed cards, Fool consumers fooled. The face of a wide variety, a wide range of memory card market, just get into the digital camera readers are inevitably confused. What type of memory card to buy? How much to buy the card? Buy low-speed card or high-speed card? I hope this article by the author, allows readers to have a more in-depth understanding of the memory card.
2010年全省系统各级党组(党委)要把反腐倡廉建设放在更加突出的位置,紧紧围绕中心,服务大局,坚持标本兼治、综合治理、惩防并举、注重预防的 In 2010, the party committees
佳能EF 100mm F2.8 Macro镜头于1991年8月上市,是一款为传统照相机设计的老镜头,装置了超声波马达,当前的数码单反相机也适用。杭州市场价格4000元左右。镜头的外观上秉承了