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从日常所需中发现商机张海峰在长沙开着一家不大不小的面馆,早上卖面条,晚上卖特色口味虾。湖南人喜辛辣,口味虾需要放大量的大蒜,他每天至少要用20公斤大蒜,要花几个小时来剥蒜皮,剥完了还要花工夫将大蒜切碎。大蒜好吃皮难剥,张海峰每天剥蒜,久了手指都剥裂了,蒜汁浸入手指裂缝里钻心的痛,他总是埋怨怎么就没有剥蒜切蒜的机器。多次埋怨后,他不禁想:大蒜是日常从日常所需中发现商机张海峰在长沙开着一家不大不小的面馆,早上卖面条,晚上卖特色口味虾。湖南人喜辛辣,口味虾需要放大量的大蒜,他每天至少要用20公斤大蒜,要花几个小时来剥蒜皮,剥完了还要花工夫将大蒜切碎。大蒜好吃皮难剥,张海峰每天剥蒜,久了手指都剥裂了,蒜汁浸入手指裂缝里钻心的痛,他总是埋怨怎么就没有剥蒜切蒜的机器。多次埋怨后,他不禁想:大蒜是日常 Finding Business Opportunities from Daily Needs Zhang Haifeng opens a small noodle shop in Changsha, selling noodles in the morning and selling specialty shrimps in the evening. Hunan’s people are savory and spicy. The taste shrimp needs a large amount of garlic. He needs to use at least 20 kilograms of garlic every day. It takes a few hours to peel the garlic, and it takes time and effort to chop the garlic. Garlic is not easy to peel skin, Zhang Haifeng peeled garlic every day, a long time his fingers were peeling, garlic juice immersed in the cracks in the fingers of the pain, he always complained about how did not peel garlic garlic cutting machine. After complaining many times, he could not help but think: Garlic is finding business opportunities from everyday needs. Zhang Haifeng opens a small noodle shop in Changsha, sells noodles in the morning and sells specialty shrimps at night. Hunan’s people are savory and spicy. The taste shrimp needs a large amount of garlic. He needs to use at least 20 kilograms of garlic every day. It takes several hours to peel the garlic, and it takes time and effort to chop the garlic. Garlic is not easy to peel skin, Zhang Haifeng peeled garlic every day, a long time his fingers were peeling, garlic juice immersed in the cracks in the fingers of the pain, he always complained about how did not peel garlic garlic cutting machine. After many complaints, he could not help thinking: Garlic is a daily
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