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民间文艺在当下的艺术处境常被看作是令人忧虑的一种文化现实,而相形之下前卫艺术大行其道。或许在评论家眼里,此番情形不过是两种异质的文艺品类之间的裂缝所致,任何艺术在历史时空中的起伏导致其艺术潜能和社会作用有主流与边缘、涨潮与落潮的分别,只不过多数人无力把握其中的线索。这种专家意见能否作为阐释现当代中国文艺的诸多现实的依据,本文意图在此。首先我们从现象上可以认定一个事实:现当代艺术的成果中绝对多数常被归入前卫艺术名下,可以说包括伤痕艺术、新潮美术、后八九艺术、政治波普、玩世现实主义、艳俗艺术以及卡通一代等都属于当代的前卫艺术。其次就民间艺术而言,在含义上可主要分出两层,一是与精英主义相对照的民间文艺。究其性质它属于一种群众文艺或者在文化研究视野之下的大众文化。但另有一说在本文中有其特殊意涵,这种民间文化是当今全球化的一种文化后果。自从西方现代主义产生以来,因为西方扮演着文化解释者的角色去命名它之外的地方文明,他站在西方中心地位的立场上在理论和想象中重新书写世界文化版图,产生出了另一种文化地理学意义上 The contemporary art scene of folklore is often viewed as a worrying cultural reality, in contrast to avant-garde art. Perhaps in the eyes of critics, this situation is only caused by the rift between two heterogeneous literary genres. The ups and downs of any art in its history and time have brought its artistic potential and social function to the mainstream and its margins, high tide and low tide Respectively, except that most people are unable to grasp the clues. Whether this expert opinion can serve as a basis for explaining many realities in contemporary Chinese literature and art is intended here. First of all, we can identify from the phenomenon that the fact that most of the achievements of modern and contemporary art are often classified as avant-garde art can be said to include scars art, trendy art, post-1989 art, political pop, cynical realism, Glamorous art and cartoon generation belong to contemporary avant-garde art. Secondly, as far as folk art is concerned, the meaning can be mainly divided into two levels, one is the folk art which is in contrast with the elitism. Its nature belongs to a mass culture or popular culture under the vision of cultural studies. But another one said in this article has its special meaning, this kind of folk culture is a cultural consequence of today’s globalization. Since the emergence of Western modernism, because the West acted as a cultural interpreter to name local civilizations outside of it, he re-wrote the world cultural map in theory and imagination from the standpoint of Western centrality, resulting in another Cultural Geography in the sense
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阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必
女性患者,30岁,已婚,孕1产0.2003年8月5日因"月经不调2年伴多毛、肥胖"入院.患者平素月经规则,周期30d,经期4 d.2年前无明显诱因停经2个月余,排除妊娠后给人工周期治疗.2002年2月因要求生育,予"克罗米芬"促排卵治疗,未受孕.此后又停经,再次予人工周期治疗,月经能来潮但经量明显减少,并发觉体毛增多,体重增加.2002年11月来我院行染色体检查"46,XX";血清总睾酮31.7