Application of Planar Seismogenic Structure to the Seismotectonic Method—— A Case Study in the Dayao

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WANGBING0425
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In seismic hazard analysis of nuclear power plant of China there is a need to identify both seismogenic structures and seismotectonic zones. In past practice,the identification of the seismogenic structures was often based on the surface active faults and characterization of linear seismic source. In a situation which shows quite strong non-random seismic activity and lacks surface active faults,it is difficult to evaluate the seismic hazard reasonably. Taking seismogenic structures in the Dayao-Yao’an area as a case study in this paper,we discuss the need and the possibility to apply the planar seismogenic structure to the seismotectonic method. We suggest that the planar seismogenic structure should be considered when applying the seismotectonic method to the seismic risk assessment of nuclear engineering in future. In seismic hazard analysis of nuclear power plant of China there is a need to identify both seismogenic structures and seismotectonic zones. In past practice, the identification of the seismogenic structures was often based on the surface active faults and characterization of linear seismic sources. In a situation which shows quite strong non-random seismic activity and lacks surface active faults, it is difficult to evaluate the seismic hazard reasonably. Taking seismogenic structures in the Dayao-Yao’an area as a case study in this paper, we discuss the need and the possibility to apply the planar seismogenic structure to the seismotectonic method. the method for the planar seismogenic structure to the seismotectonic method. The suggestion that the planar seismogenic structure should be considered when applying the seismotectonic method to the seismic risk assessment of nuclear engineering in the future.
2014年10月14日至16日,我赴兰州铁路一小参加了甘肃省第二届中小学教师教学技能大赛暨观摩活动,聆听了甘肃省各个市州的21位教师的讲课和课后3分钟的教学技能答辩,他们的课堂异彩纷呈,所有课都体现了当今小学语文课堂教学的导向——扎扎实实地教学,潜心学习读文本,联系作者谈感悟,带着体验重朗读,将听说读写融入课堂教学全过程。  最后,甘肃省教科所小学语文教研员在点评时作了这样精炼的总结,她说:“这次
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摘 要:本文针对不同时代对女性的称谓语和称呼语进行比较分析,探讨了不同时代背景下中国女性社会地位的不同,以及产生这种不同的社会原因。分析发现中国女性的地位在不断提高,男性和女性的社会地位也趋于平等,但称谓语中的性别歧视现象仍然存在。  关键词:社会语言学;性别语言;称谓语;女性社会地位  1引言  社会语言学是一门研究语言与社会关系的学科,主张将语言看作一种社会和文化现象,强调语言与社会的相互依存