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有关调查显示,中国女性车主的数量近几年呈明显上升趋势。在所有购车的消费者中,女性的比例达到了23.7%;在所有购车的家庭中,22.1%的女主人有驾照。同时,中国市场的一个独特之处在于,在家庭购车时,女性的意见往往影响着最终的购买意向。“虽然男性比例目前仍大于女性,但是考虑到许多帮妻子买车的男性消费者的存在,女性在汽车市场上的影响力不可忽视。”汽车业内人士如是说。汽车进入家庭的脚步日趋加速,女性用车的话题渐渐被提及。女性购车族在短短几年已经迅速成为国内市场一股中坚力量,POLO、雪佛兰、威姿……应该说,与以往相比目前车市中可供女性选择的车型越来越多。人有个性,车也有个性,都说不同的女人喜欢不同的车,亦如她们喜欢不同的化妆品、服饰一样,体现各自不同的性格魅力。人车般配就会相得益彰。不同气质的人喜欢开的车不同,从一辆车上甚至可以判断出车主人的品位。女性喜欢买什么车?她们选车的标准是什么?千娇百媚的女人们又各自心仪哪些车型呢?《世界汽车》杂志社联合天津空港汽车园共同举办了一场大型试乘试驾活动,让更多的女性离自己的爱车更近一些。此次活动我们精选了国内外20余款颇受女性青睐的车辆,让大家尽情试驾,同时,借此良机我们编辑部与部分《世界汽车》读者俱乐部的会员进行了很好的沟通。 The survey shows that the number of Chinese female car owners has shown a clear upward trend in recent years. Among all car buyers, the share of women reached 23.7%; of all car-buying households, 22.1% of hostess had driver’s licenses. At the same time, one of the unique features of the Chinese market is the fact that women’s opinions often influence the ultimate purchase intention at home. “Although the proportion of males is still larger than that of women at present, considering the presence of many male consumers who buy their wives, the influence of women in the automotive market can not be ignored,” said the auto industry insiders. The pace of the car into the family is accelerating, the topic of female car gradually be mentioned. In just a few years, female car buyers have quickly become an anchor in the domestic market. POLO, Chevrolet, Vizzi ... It should be said that more cars are available to women in the automobile market than ever before. People have personality, the car has a personality, said different women like different cars, as they like different cosmetics, clothing, reflect their different personality charm. People and vehicles will match each other will complement each other. Different temperament people like to drive different cars, from a car can even determine the owner’s taste. Women like to buy what car? What is the standard of their car? Enchanting women and their favorite models? World Auto magazine jointly Tianjin Airport Auto Park co-hosted a large test drive test drive, so that more More women are closer to their car. At this event, we selected more than 20 domestic and foreign women’s favored vehicles, let everyone enjoy the test drive, at the same time, to take advantage of our editorial department and some “world car” reader club members had a good communication.
Four cobalt supramolecular architectures with Hmtyaa(2-(5-methyl-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-ylthio)acetic acid) ligand have been synthesized.[Co(mtyaa)2(H2O)4]·4(H2O)(
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我县地处鲁西南平原,全县十三处公社,除卜集外,其余十二处公社都有不同程度的盐碱地。 十几年来,尤其是开展“农业学大寨”群众运动以来,我县的整地改土和绿化工作取得了很
海豚、鲸鱼……说起这些名字,你肯定不会陌生,在无数的电影中都留下了它们各式各样的身影。但是今天,我不打算展映这些热门电影,而是另外选择了一系列闻所未闻的冷门奇幻片,即将登场的各位主演们也是毫无名气。不过请相信我,当你欣赏完它们主演的电影后,一定会被它们精彩的表演所折服!  在神秘莫测的大海深处,漆黑一片,那里住着一群长得像从科幻电影里出来的鱿鱼,名叫“幽灵蛸(xiāo)”。它们自带“手电筒”,像萤