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丹麦王国首都哥本哈根(Copenhagen)位于丹麦西兰岛东部,隔着厄勒海峡和瑞典海港马尔默遥遥相对。它是丹麦政治、经济、文化的中心,全国最大和最重要的城市,是北欧最大的城市,也是著名的古城。哥本哈根在丹麦文中是“商人的港口”或“贸易港”的意思。根据丹麦的历史记载,哥本哈根在11世纪初还是一个小小的渔村和进行贸易的场所。随着贸易的日益繁盛,12世纪初,这里发展成为一个商业城镇。15世纪初,哥本哈根成 Copenhagen, the capital of the Kingdom of Denmark, is located on the eastern part of Zealand’s island of Seychelles, opposite Omer Strait and the Swedish harbor of Malmo. It is Denmark’s political, economic and cultural center, the country’s largest and most important city, is the largest city in northern Europe, is also well-known ancient city. Copenhagen means “port of merchant” or “trading port” in Danish. According to Danish history, Copenhagen was also a small fishing village and a trading place in the early 11th century. With the growing trade, it developed into a commercial town here in the early 12th century. The early 15th century, Copenhagen into
每张手绘明信片可以说都是惟一的。在西方人眼中,这些手绘的风景一定充满了神秘的异域色彩。 Each hand-painted postcard can be said to be unique. In the eyes of Weste
BaMgAl10O17:Eu2+,Yb3+ was investigated as a possible quantum cutting system to enhance solar cells efficiency. Phosphors were synthesized by combustion method a
凡到过广东肇庆七星岩的人,都说那里是“桂林的山、杭州的水”。此 话一点不假。 步入七星岩风景区,如同到了世外桃源。七座山岩北倚北岭群山,三 面被湖水环抱,湖被蜿蜒交错
今年是明末著名民族英雄袁崇焕 被难375周年。位于北京市东花市斜 街的袁崇焕祠墓,于2002年经过大规 模修缮,于当年底对公众开放,接受 人们的凭吊。袁崇焕祠墓在建国后得 以
By using the surface photovoltage(SPV) technique based on a lock-in amplifier,surface states located 3.1 eV below the conduction band of TiO 2 have been detecte