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中央2004年9月颁布的《中国共产党党员权利保障条例》,是在1995年颁布实施的《中国共产党党员权利保障条例(试行)》的基础上修订而成的。这个《试行条例》是我们党历史上第一部保障党员权利方面的专门法规,对于发展党内民主,健全党内生活,保障党员权利的正常行使和不受侵犯,起到了重要作用。《试行条例》颁布实施9年多来,国际国内形势发生了深刻变化,党的建设面临许多新情况、新问题。党员保护自身权利的意识日益增强,一些地方和部门发展党内民主、保障党员权利的工作也积累了不少新经验。根据新形势新任务的要求,本着解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进的精神,中央决定重新修订颁布该条例。修订稿在充分发扬民主,广泛听取、认真吸纳各方面意见和建议的基础上,经过反复研究修改,数易其稿,最后报经中央批准。我们相信,修订后的《党员权利保障条例》的颁布实施,必将进一步推动党内民主的发展。我们编辑这组稿件,目的就是为了使广大党员干部进一步理解《党员权力保障条例》精神,更好地贯彻执行。 The “Regulations for the Protection of the CPC Members’ Rights” promulgated by the Central Government in September 2004 was revised on the basis of the “Regulations for the Protection of the Rights of Chinese Communist Party Members (Provisional)” promulgated in 1995. This “Provisional Regulations” is the first piece of special laws and regulations on safeguarding the rights of party members in our party’s history. It has played an important role in developing inner-party democracy, perfecting inner-party life, and safeguarding the normal exercise and inviolability of party members’ rights. Since the promulgation and implementation of the Provisional Regulations over the past 9 years and more, profound changes have taken place in the international and domestic situations and many new situations and problems have been faced in party building. The awareness of party members in protecting their own rights is increasing day by day. Some localities and departments have accumulated a lot of new experiences in developing their party’s democracy and safeguarding the rights of party members. In accordance with the requirements of the new situation and new tasks and in the spirit of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts and keeping pace with the times, the Central Government decided to revisit and promulgate the ordinance. On the basis of giving full play to democracy, extensively listening to and conscientiously absorbing the opinions and suggestions of various quarters, the revised draft has been subject to repeated studies and revisions to make the drafts easier and finally submitted to the Central Government for approval. We believe that the promulgation and implementation of the revised “Regulations on the Protection of the Rights of Party members” will surely further promote the development of democracy within the party. We edit this set of manuscripts with the purpose of making the majority of party members and cadres further understand the spirit of the “Regulations for the Protection of the Power of Party Members” and better implement it.
摘 要:稠油的开采一直是新疆油田开发的一个重点内容,油田稠油储量规模很大,但随着开采速度的加快,尤其是一些不科学开采方法的应用,使得油田稠油的开采面临着一个瓶颈,而注蒸汽热采技术便很好地解决了这一问题,该技术的核心内容就是注汽锅炉的使用,它是在普通注汽锅炉基础上发展而来,在新疆油田主要用于风城超稠油油田吞吐及SAGD开发。根据过热注汽锅炉在新疆油田的使用情况,对过热注汽锅炉在超稠油开发的运用效果进
本文试图以内蒙古西土默特地区为中心,探讨分析清代边疆区域社会的形成过程。 土默特地区本为蒙族游牧之地,内地民人的进入引发了当地社会各方面的巨大变迁,社会动荡。面对这