用科学的态度 求实进取的精神 开拓海上找油的新领域——对1988年海洋石油勘探开发会议的评述

来源 :中国海上油气 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WieldWolf
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中国海洋石油总公司召开的1988年海洋石油勘探开发会议胜利闭幕了,这是海洋石油总公司成立以来有各地区和专业公司科技工作者参加的多专业学科规模最大的勘探开发会议。在会议期间,交流了勘探开发成果和研究与应用的新方法、新技术;并以科学、求实的精神探索了海洋石油勘探的新领域、新方向。会议将对今后海洋石油勘探开发的研究和实践产生积极的影响。一、海域勘探开发科研成果展示出海洋石油工业的美好前景会议期间交流的科研成果是我国海洋石油勘探开发实践和科学研究的结晶。这些成果以新的观点、新的认识提出了勘探的新领域,使我们对海域石油前景的认识有了新的飞跃。纵观我国海域石油地质基本条件,众多的科技工作者认为有四个有利而现实的大油气区:莺-琼地区可望成为一个大的天然气区这个地区包括莺歌海、琼东南及珠三拗陷,面积约七万平方公里,沉积厚度大、沉降速度快、沉积体规模大、地温梯度高,具有 CNOOC successfully concluded the 1988 Offshore Oil Exploration and Development Conference. This is the largest multi-disciplinary exploration and development conference in which CNOOC has participated in the science and technology field since the establishment of CNOOC. During the meeting, the exchange of exploration and development achievements and research and application of new methods and new technologies; and scientific and realistic spirit of exploration of new areas of offshore oil exploration, new directions. The conference will have a positive impact on the future research and practice of offshore oil exploration and development. First, the exploration and development of scientific research achievements in the sea show the bright future of the offshore oil industry The scientific research achievements exchanged during the conference are the crystallization of the practice and scientific research of offshore oil exploration in our country. These achievements have given new perspectives and new understandings of new areas for exploration, giving us a new leap in understanding of the prospects for oil in the seas. Looking at the basic conditions of petroleum geology in the sea of ​​China, many scientists believe there are four large and powerful oil and gas regions that are beneficial and realistic: the Ying-Qiong region is expected to become a large natural gas region. This region includes Yinggehai, Qiongdongnan and Beizhu Depression, an area of ​​about 70,000 square kilometers, the deposition thickness, rapid settling velocity, sedimentary body size, high geothermal gradient, with
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