
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nightwish110
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2002年10月22日星期二晴在上周的队务会上,对下步的追逃工作做了分工,追逃分为几个组分赴几个省,我被安排去贵州,因为有一名贵州籍杀人批捕逃犯的案子是我主办的。周六、周日两天加班,为出差做准备。拿到手的浙江省上网逃犯贵州籍的竟有421名。查了去贵州的路程,有2400多公里,看来这趟差确实是“任重而道远”。今晚23时我将与战友倪晓荣坐火车去金华,然后转车去贵阳。温州的铁路建设起步较晚,还没有到贵州的直达车。 10月25日星期四小雨贵阳在火车上度过了腻腻歪歪的两天。在车上接到单位的电话:贵州安顺地区关岭县的一名网上逃犯要求投案自首,要求我们迅速赶到关岭。火车到达贵阳市已经是19时,我们刚下火车就用手机同关岭县公安局刑侦大队取得联系,得知贵阳距关岭有170多公里的山路,而且晚上找不到联系人。我们决定 Tuesday, October 22, 2002 In last week’s team meeting, the next step in the pursuit of escape made a division of labor, chase into several components to several provinces, I was arranged to go to Guizhou, because there is a Guizhou case of killing and arresting fugitives was sponsored by me. Work overtime on Saturdays and Sundays for preparation for business trip. Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Province, get the hands of guilty of online guilty of as many as 421. Checked the distance to Guizhou, there are more than 2,400 kilometers, it seems this trip is indeed “a long way to go.” Tonight at 23 o’clock I will take comrade Ni Xiaorong take a train to Jinhua, and then change to Guiyang. Wenzhou’s railway construction started late, has not yet arrived in Guizhou’s direct car. Thursday, October 25 Light rain Guiyang spent two days in the train tired greasy crooked. In the car received the unit’s phone number: Guizhou Anshun area Guanling County, an online fugitive asked to surrender, requiring us to quickly rushed to Guanling. The train arrived in Guiyang City is already 19:00, we just got off the train on the phone with the Criminal Bureau of Guanling County Public Security Bureau to get in touch that Guiyang from Guanling more than 170 kilometers of mountain roads, and can not find the contact at night. we decide
According to news posted on the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s website on September 5,the MIIT and the Ministry of Environmental Protection