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黄山市(徽州)这块钟灵毓秀之地,自古文化昌盛,人文荟萃。在戏剧方面,不仅有古老的傩戏、宋元南戏、目连戏、徽剧,有曾经名噪京畿,誉满大江南北的明、清戏剧家汪道昆、汪廷讷、郑之珍、潘之恒、方成培等,还产生过《狮吼记》、《目连救母劝善戏文》,《雷峰塔传奇》等一批传世名著,因此,我市在中国传统戏剧文化史上,占有重要地位。 建国后,我市的戏剧工作在党的文艺方针指引下,蓬勃发展,欣欣向荣。从1961年设徽州行署,成立文化局以来,三十多年内,地直与所辖县、市曾先后建立京剧、徽剧、黄梅戏、越剧、评剧等专业表演艺术团体十余个,上演了大量的古装、现代戏剧目,培养和造就了一批有成就的演员,如陈小芳、龚卫玲、华鸾、章其祥、贾丽云、吴奇林、杜远君、杨俊良、程凤、张昌濂等。为了组织、 Huangshan City (Huizhou) Zhong Ling Yuk Sau this piece of land, since ancient times, cultural prosperity, cultural blend. In theater, there are not only ancient Nuo opera, Song and Yuan Nan opera, Headline drama, Hui drama, Ming and Qing opera dramatists Wang Daokun, Wang Tingneng, Zheng Zhizhen, Pan Zhiheng and Fang Chengpei who have been famous in Gyeonggi, Also produced a series of famous names such as “Lion Roar”, “Mulian persuaded the good movie”, “Legend of Leifeng tower” and so on, therefore, our city occupies an important position in the history of Chinese traditional drama culture. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the theater work in our city thrived and thrived under the guidance of the party's art and literature guideline. Since Huizhou established the Cultural Bureau in 1961, more than ten professional performing arts groups, including Peking Opera, Hui Opera, Huangmei Opera, Shaoxing Opera and Pingju Opera, have been set up successively in the more than 30 years. The ancient drama, modern drama, cultivate and bring up a group of accomplished actors, such as Chen Xiaofang, Gong Weiling, Hua Tuo, Zhang Qixiang, Jia Liyun, Wu Qilin, Du Yuanjun, Yang Junliang, Cheng Feng, Zhang Chang 濂 and so on. In order to organize,
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