A nano-scale mirror-like surface of Ti–6Al–4V attained by chemical mechanical polishing

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woshcn
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Metal Ti and its alloys have been widely utilized in the fields of aviation, medical science, and micro-electromechanical systems, for its excellent specific strength, resistance to corrosion, and biological compatibility. As the application of Ti moves to the micro or nano scale, however, traditional methods of planarization have shown their short slabs.Thus, we introduce the method of chemical mechanical polishing(CMP) to provide a new way for the nano-scale planarization method of Ti alloys. We obtain a mirror-like surface, whose flatness is of nano-scale, via the CMP method. We test the basic mechanical behavior of Ti–6Al–4V(Ti64) in the CMP process, and optimize the composition of CMP slurry.Furthermore, the possible reactions that may take place in the CMP process have been studied by electrochemical methods combined with x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS). An equivalent circuit has been built to interpret the dynamic of oxidation. Finally, a model has been established to explain the synergy of chemical and mechanical effects in the CMP of Ti–6Al–4V. Metal Ti and its alloys have widely utilized in the fields of aviation, medical science, and micro-electromechanical systems, for its excellent specific strength, resistance to corrosion, and biological compatibility. As the application of Ti moves to the micro or nano scale , however, the traditional methods of planarization have shown their short slabs.Thus, we introduce the method of chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) to provide a new way for the nano-scale planarization method of Ti alloys. whose flatness is of nano-scale, via the CMP method. We test the basic mechanical behavior of Ti-6Al-4V (Ti64) in the CMP process, and optimize the composition of CMP slurry. in the CMP process have been studied by electrochemical methods combined with x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). An equivalent circuit has been built to interpret the dynamic of oxidation. Finally, a model has been established to explain the synergy of chemical and mechanical effects in the CMP of Ti-6A1-4V.
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