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水土保持工作是艰巨的改造自然工作,也是提高山区农业生产的重要方法,同时又密切关系着某些河流的治本措措,所以引起了各方面的重视。但是,在目前,对于影响黄土地区土壤侵蚀因素的认识,还是很混乱的,水土保持工作的方向也还不够明确。虽然发表了不少文章,但其中尚有片面或错误的地方。笔者在今年八月至九月间,在黄土丘陵沟壑区进行了一些考察工作,现拟在这方面提出一些不成熟的意见。本文主要是针对新黄河1955年12月号上所发表的王化云同志写的“黄土丘陵沟壑区水土保持考察报告”而写成的。 Soil and water conservancy work is an arduous task of transforming nature and an important method to improve agricultural production in mountainous areas. At the same time, it is closely related to the permanent measures of certain rivers, and so attracts all aspects of attention. However, at present, the understanding of factors affecting soil erosion in the loess area is still very confusing, and the direction of soil and water conservation work is still not clear enough. Although published a lot of articles, but there are still one-sided or wrong place. From August to September this year, the author conducted some investigations in the gully area of ​​the Loess Plateau. I hereby put forward some unwise opinions in this regard. This article is mainly written on the report of “Investigation Report of Soil and Water Conservation in the Loess Hilly and Gully Areas” written by Comrade Wang Huayun published on December 1955 by the New Yellow River.
苄醇或芳香醛与NaIO_4/LiBr(1:1:1)在甲(乙)醇-H_2SO_4 (9:1)中25℃反应18h,生成相应的甲(乙)酯,苄醇11例收率71%~89%,芳香醛11例收率78%~98%。 Reaction of benzyl alcohol o
In this paper, the orange peel defect in the surface range of the st14 steel sheet has been investigated using the electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) tec
导向臂间距、钢丝轮刷的使用、磨合切削、切削条件、切削液五个方面 ,是影响带锯条使用寿命的主要因素。给出了锯带的张紧力、带轮的合适位置、导向块和压块合金条与锯带的间
(一) 早胜人民公社包括早胜塬的全部土地,位于宁县城东南部。早胜塬是子午嶺的一条支脉,由东北向西南以1/1000~1/500的坡度傾斜,为一东北向西南的狹長地带,屬黃土高塬溝墾区,