新形势下 政工干部主体素质浅谈

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随着改革开放的不断深入和新世纪的到来,思想政治工作的任务将会更加艰巨而复杂,这无疑对政工干部的素质提出了更高的要求。但从政工队伍素质的现状来看,还存在不少与深化改革和时代要求不相适应的地方。主要表现在:有的政工干部没有受过系统的正规专业培训,从事思想政治工作所必备的专业和综合知识比较欠缺;有的知识陈旧,经常说外行话,没有说服力,工作起来感到很吃力;有的一些传统观念和思维定式还没有打破;有的开展工作的方式方法和手段还相对落后;有的思想不稳定,有失落感,感到在单位上没地位、待遇低,不如去搞科研生产工作。这种现状与思想政治工作面临的巨大挑战之间存在很大的反差。“冰冻三尺非一日之寒”,政工队伍整体素质的提高,各种必备知识的掌握和更新,非短期内所能奏效。因此,加强思想政治工作主体素质建设已呈现出前所未有的紧迫性和必要性。 With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up and the advent of a new century, the task of ideological and political work will be even more arduous and complex. This undoubtedly sets higher demands on the quality of political cadres. However, judging from the status quo of the quality of political workforce, there are still many places that are incompatible with the requirements of deepening reform and the times. The main manifestations are as follows: Some political cadres who have not been systematically and formally trained have the professionalism and comprehensive knowledge necessary for conducting ideological and political work. They lack knowledge of old-fashioned knowledge and often speak nonsense and are hard working ; Some traditional concepts and thinking style have not broken; some methods and means to carry out work is still relatively backward; some ideas are not stable, there is a sense of loss, feel no position in the unit, the treatment is low, it is better to engage in scientific research and production jobs. There is a great contrast between this status quo and the enormous challenges facing ideological and political work. “Freezing cold is not the end of the day,” improving the overall quality of the political workforce, grasping and updating various kinds of necessary knowledge, and not being effective in a short period of time. Therefore, strengthening the quality of the main body of ideological and political work has shown an unprecedented urgency and necessity.
本文研究了99mTcMIBI核素显像判别乳腺肿块良恶性的临床价值。1 资料与方法本文91例患者中,女89例、男2例,年龄23~79岁,平均年龄48岁。全部病人乳腺检查触诊检查均发现肿块,肿块大小1~10cm。91例患者手术后全