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第一,呵护银行卡磁条。别小看细细的磁条,它装载许多信息。但这磁条很容易被磁化,所以出门旅行千万不要把信用卡与手机、掌上电脑等带磁物件放在一起,以免磁化。各张银行卡之间也最好不要紧贴着放,防止磁条间互相干扰。 第二,长期未用的银行卡。最好提前到银行去试用一下,有什么问题可立即解决,否则出门在外不能刷卡,会尴尬。 第三,尽量不要在几分钟内多次刷卡。这会被计算机认为有“盗卡”嫌疑而拒付。这是因为银行为防止信用卡被窃后冒用现象的发生,往往在办卡受理程序时设置了短时间内多次刷卡的预警屏障,因此 First, protect the bank card magnetic stripe. Do not underestimate the thin magnetic stripe, it loads a lot of information. However, this magnetic stripe can easily be magnetized, so do not go out to travel with credit cards and mobile phones, handheld computers and other magnetic objects together to avoid magnetization. It is also best not to put the bank cards in close contact with each other to prevent the magnetic strips from interfering with each other. Second, the long-unused bank card. It is best to go ahead to the bank to try it out, what problems can be solved immediately, otherwise can not be out of credit card will be embarrassed. Third, try not to swipe multiple times within minutes. This will be the computer that there is suspicion of “pirate card” and refused to pay. This is because, in order to prevent the occurrence of the fraudulent use of a credit card, the bank often sets an early warning barrier for multiple credit cards in a short period of time when the card accepting application is processed
nm23蛋白在转移性胃癌中的表达刘宝瑞张学庸丁杰nm23蛋白在转移性胃癌中的表达@刘宝瑞@张学庸@丁杰... Expression of nm23 Protein in Metastatic Gastric Carcinoma Liu Baorui Zh
ColectingductcarcinomaofthekidneyRenGuoping任国平,ShiShifang史时芳andYuXinru余心如DepartmentsofPathology(RenGPandYuXR)andUrol-ogy(ShiS... ColectingductcarcinomaofthekidneyRenGuoping Ren Guoping, ShiShifang Shi Shifang and YuXinru Yu Xinru DepartmentsofPathology(R